[Peace] Yemen

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 4 22:39:54 UTC 2019

Yes, this is good news, and while I understand the happiness of those who have been actively working to achieve this goal, I have to ask why this happened, why has it taken so long to halt. How many dead, how much destroyed, how many continuing to die of starvation or cholera? At least 80,000 children have already died, since March 2015, and thats likely a low figure. I doubt the relatives of the victims are jubilant, maybe relieved, but the horrors inflicted upon the people of Yemen is something that they will live with forever.

Karen Aram<https://www.facebook.com/karen.aram.1?__tn__=%2CdCH-R-R&eid=ARCmJqFUFua4YOh5hg7EMqQ3jE1WBCuJsOoDfdu09pnChAPwUYsUaMXweMKqyDXEc59RsfpHw8FgiDg3&hc_ref=ARSrMHZjYqG3eY1-2JNKC3GRkF_f8OEJG91tUOQ2JOzu48K18Csqv0c9p4ha6PRgZCU&fref=nf>

"We are so happy to share this wonderful news with you. This afternoon, the House had their final vote on S.J.Res.7 to end U.S. support for the brutal Saudi-led war on Yemen. The outcome was 247 to 175 in favor!"
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