[Peace] [Peace-discuss] Your message to Peace awaits moderator approval

Brussel, Morton K brussel at illinois.edu
Fri Apr 5 16:39:54 UTC 2019

I'm puzzled: I wasn't aware that there were (how many?) nasty personal attacks on individuals against members of AWARE on the peace-discuss list. So I’m disappointed that Karen removed herself from that list.

The “list" problems seem never to go away. Stuart has given his reasons for how the peace and peace-discusss lists have operated, and I thank him for his fair service managing those lists (if indeed he does).  Evidently, many don’t know the reasons why there have been two lists, and some refuse to know. Stuart has enunciated the reasons many times, evidently to minor effect.

I’ve found the peace-discuss list useful, valuable, despite its apparently limited(?) audience. …and the peace list for relevent announcements.

On Apr 5, 2019, at 7:04 AM, Karen Aram via Peace <peace at lists.chambana.net<mailto:peace at lists.chambana.net>> wrote:

I don’t know what this discussion addressing Carl relates to, but most people have a delete button which they can use if they so desire. The fact that nasty personal attacks against members of AWARE have been allowed on the “Peace Discuss List” because of what is referred to as “freedom of speech, by those who have no interest in war or peace is offensive and one of the reasons I left the Peace Discuss List.

When I signed people up, at the market, for the Peace List, during the four years of 2013 - 2016, I didn’t make a distinction between one list or the other, just suggested if people were interested in hearing more “in relation to politics” or “announcements” they sign our Peace List. The people I signed up were those who were interested in discussing political issues related to war or peace with whom I was conversing.

We only have one sign up sheet, which does not distinguish between which list one wishes to be on.

Preventing people from knowing what is happening is censorship. Of course many don’t want to know, as they prefer their cocoons of security, assuming that voting for the right Democrat every four years, will solve all, given the majority of people in Champaign/Urbana get their news from mainstream media, they have no idea that thousands marched in DC recently in opposition to US intervention in Venezuela, my postings announcing what had taken place were censored by the monitor.

People have no idea that only last week hundreds marched in DC opposing Nato.

If the good people of Champaign Urbana don’t want to acknowledge the humanitarian crisis in Yemen began in 2015 under the Obama Administration, along with our drone wars, interventions in Venezuela with sanctions killing thousands by Obama, and that our interventions under the Trump administration are a continuation of US foreign policy and will do so no matter which of the two Party’s is in power, then we are all doomed.

Given how few events AWARE does other than our monthly demos, there seems little reason to have a peace list if we can’t post information related to war or peace. What it should not be is a “community announcement board” for events unrelated to “war or politics.”

On Apr 4, 2019, at 21:30, kmedina67 via Peace <peace at lists.chambana.net<mailto:peace at lists.chambana.net>> wrote:

Dear Carl,

If people want to get the discussions, they sign up for the peace-discuss list.

- Karen Medina

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