[Peace] Hong Kong Protests

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 24 17:20:27 UTC 2019

Luciana Bohne<https://www.facebook.com/luciana.bohne.1?__tn__=%2CdCH-R-R&eid=ARCyJ72sCim8pSDHmF-LZuF2o4Al1YFdxGEDqBpQTTM7F0rgPEo9nQ1-84aMiOdECQfduvRvFxFBV4JX&hc_ref=ARQQXZuD87v8qEN40ertRlhGB2bIczrUMH08Pl478jGF0AHAFQmykkW6LTUwKWlMpK4&fref=nf><https://www.facebook.com/luciana.bohne.1?__tn__=%2CdCH-R-R&eid=ARCyJ72sCim8pSDHmF-LZuF2o4Al1YFdxGEDqBpQTTM7F0rgPEo9nQ1-84aMiOdECQfduvRvFxFBV4JX&hc_ref=ARQQXZuD87v8qEN40ertRlhGB2bIczrUMH08Pl478jGF0AHAFQmykkW6LTUwKWlMpK4&fref=nf>
June 19 at 5:05 PM<https://www.facebook.com/luciana.bohne.1/posts/2267394779980918>

What were the Hong Kong protests about? Anything BUT democracy. Think "Kiev Maidan." Think "Venezuela Peaceful Opposition." Think "Syria Democratic Opposition." What have they all in common? Regime change: in Ukraine, neonazis; in Venezuela, classic Latin American fascists; and in Syria, Wahhabi Daesh Tafkiri headchoppers. Does that sound like "democracy" to you?

"The [protesters] have forced local authorities to shelve an important, Beijing-backed crime-fighting bill enabling extradition among Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China. While the legislation is explicitly aimed at grave, non-political offenses, the anti-Communists insist it would severely threaten the civil liberties of all Hong Kongers."--Thomas Hon Wing Polin in CounterPunch "Color Revolution In Hong Kong: USA Vs. China," June 18, 2019
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