[Peace] Fwd: Today is International Worker's Day

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Wed May 1 16:45:45 UTC 2019

A message from Richard Wolfe:
[d at w]<https://democracyatwork.nationbuilder.com/donate?e=0c7438b9a1b1c59994ee9514deb63174&utm_source=democracyatwork&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20190501_mayday&n=1>

This May 1, the French people offer the world a strategy.

The stunningly successful “yellow vest” movement building over the past half year decided to join with labor unions and social movements in a massively enlarged Mayday, 2019. Demonstrations will sweep across France with a demand for what the yellow vests call “a new democracy.”

In the US and beyond we need that too: the call, the vast new kind of social movement represented by the yellow vests, the unity of social movements with the labor movement. And like the yellow vests made clearly explicit in their call for these Mayday events, by “new democracy” they mean to confront and move society beyond capitalism.

What is “new” first of all is that democracy belongs inside the workplace. The capitalists who give lip service to democracy have always rigidly excluded it from the workplaces they owned and were determined to control exclusively. The privations, inequalities, money-bought governments, and ecological disasters that plague us today follow directly from how capitalists use their unaccountable power inside capitalist enterprises. To democratize the enterprise solves many social problems caused by and from capitalism’s undemocratic core. A new democracy inside enterprises ends capitalism and begins a better system for the vast majority.

At Democracy at Work we seek to contribute to just such an international movement for a new democracy. Our advocacy for a transition from undemocratic capitalist enterprises to democratic worker cooperatives instead is one way to make such a contribution. We invite and welcome others to join in a process of change already well underway.

In solidarity,

[Richard Wolff]<https://democracyatwork.nationbuilder.com/donate?e=0c7438b9a1b1c59994ee9514deb63174&utm_source=democracyatwork&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20190501_mayday&n=2>
Richard D. Wolff

PS: In honor of Karl Marx's birth month, we are offering our latest book Understanding Marxism, at a 25% discount for the entire month of May<https://www.democracyatwork.info/r?u=cI7mAwKjsMghxcbA29h8szWSDm96Rle2yAn7wgIiCjCzu37-QH8qYFVljEZeWNPHrHbD9jg3RBPcZFRrVkRegpdrY7LELyFjM0eFHvpMm_4Ek3-bxT8QvHpUXXRtWOrf&e=0c7438b9a1b1c59994ee9514deb63174&utm_source=democracyatwork&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20190501_mayday&n=3>. Funds go to support the organization.



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