[Peace] What we can do in reference to the Venezuelan Embassy in DC

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Tue May 7 11:39:36 UTC 2019

Andrea E. Merida: Co-Chair, GPUS Green Party of the United States<https://www.facebook.com/andreaemerida/?__tn__=%2CdkCH-R-R&eid=ARDH_FQaSPBhTT8Sw9xNQnlmdH_lkUTcTz-GRhBsBV9tBnwEN7_DDBGnjcLEsNORnz-eY_bm6b1kWXJw&hc_ref=ARRaXG6kVWHKxvj5eXNjHKbdtH-A4Lp3mKcLIdAhyRcioKoCJmFWJizwfDzbZI8esUA&fref=nf&hc_location=group>Like Page
12 hrs<https://www.facebook.com/andreaemerida/videos/287324435480210/>

I live very far away from D.C., and even if I had the funds to fly there, I would hate to burden folks on the ground by dropping in at the last minute. That doesn't mean we sit by and do nothing. Call your congressional representative! Mine is Diana DeGette, of Colorado CD 1. Visit this website to find yours: https://www.house.gov/representati…/find-your-representative<https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative>

Many of you called the Secret Service over the weekend, and we can tell it's making a difference, because now they have a canned script that they're letting in food and medicines. But we have evidence to the contrary. Our activists in the embassy are now literally *rationing food to get by*. By calling your congressional rep, we can turn up the heat and get some relief for our warriors inside the embassy.

Make sure you have your demand ready when calling, which I suggest is that your rep should insist that the Secret Service stop interfering with unfettered access to food, medicines and personal supplies intended for the activists inside the Venezuelan embassy. Tell your rep that the right-wing opposition is confrontational and is even causing injury to older people trying to deliver food and medicines, and the Secret Service is arresting these peaceful people while leaving the right-wing opposition alone. Keep in mind that an aide is trying to write down everything you're saying, so don't ramble. Speak clearly and succinctly and get to the point.

We need to do everything we can to support the Embassy Protection Collective<https://www.facebook.com/ColectivosporlaPaz/?__tn__=%2CdKH-R-R&eid=ARCw6XDe1uVcbXsdnbQik5FQUiYI4WYDCUv2iphNuULa8pRqFhYVbz3Zd-vp049dgDWh7Y7Hrf-lpi0_&fref=mentions&hc_location=group>, even if we can't be physically present. This took me less than five minutes, including the time to find out my rep's contact info. Join me! Call your member of Congress!

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