[Peace] Urgent: Activists converging from across the country tomorrow at 12:00pm: Support the Embassy Protection Collective!

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Sat May 11 02:09:16 UTC 2019

[ANSWER Coalition]<http://www.answercoalition.org/?e=34e47c8f266e39ec7d3a5d2b76038f9f&utm_source=answercoalition&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=5_11_embassy_demo_3&n=1>

Emergency at Venezuelan Embassy in D.C.: Turn on the electricity! Stop the pro-coup mob's violence!
Mass Mobilization — Saturday, 12:00 p.m.
Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, D.C.
1099 30th St. NW

[banner.jpg]The Embassy Protection Collective, which includes activists from Popular Resistance, Code Pink, ANSWER Coalition, Veterans for Peace and others, are calling for an urgent mass mobilization of support on Saturday at 12:00 p.m. to demand an immediate end to all efforts to illegally seize the Embassy on behalf of the U.S.-backed, right-wing coup leaders.

Emergency transportation hubs have been set up in New York City, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Lancaster, Baltimore and even as far away as Atlanta, Georgia! We need everyone who believes in justice, peace and international solidarity to come to the Venezuelan embassy in Washington, D.C. and stand with the embassy protectors, who are facing violence and bigoted abuse at the hands of the police-assisted right-wing mob that's stationed 24/7 outside the building.

On Wednesday night, the Potomac Electric Power Company (PEPCO), assisted by the U.S. Secret Service and Metropolitan Police Department, cut off electricity to the activists lawfully residing inside the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, D.C., creating a dangerous emergency situation. The Secret Service was undoubtedly carrying out an order from Trump's State Department. This was done despite utility bills being fully paid by the owners of the building, which is the legitimate government of Venezuela, and despite the fact that the activists inside are invited guests of the Venezuelan government.

Activists have been residing inside the Venezuelan Embassy since mid-April to protect it from takeover by opposition forces as part of the U.S. orchestrated coup.


ANSWER Coalition · United States
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