[Peace] [Peace-discuss] AWARE monthly demonstrations

C G Estabrook cgestabrook at gmail.com
Sun Oct 6 23:46:27 UTC 2019

I think Bob’s on to something here. 

A group address by AWARE to our elected representatives will point up the fact that the wars we've objected to for 20 years are not isolated events but the result of conscious, calculated and continuous US government policies. They do not depend on the vagaries of any of the US presidents of the last 20 years - they would have occurred even if their opponents had been elected.

These criminal wars - in the interest of the US 1% - can be defeated only by arousing the native anti-war and isolationist sentiments of the US public, who are consistently misled by the corporate media.
So Bob’s suggestion of a public informational campaign, using the organs of local government, has merit. We should plan for it. —CGE

> On Oct 5, 2019, at 4:11 PM, Robert Naiman via Peace-discuss <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net> wrote:
> Age and attrition cometh for us all. 
> But here's a proposal for how to skirt the problem of the cold weather: have the monthly "demonstration" indoors for the winter months. 
> Here's an idea for how to do that. 
> There are three local government bodies that meet regularly in the winter months, allow public participation before each meeting, and televise their proceedings: the Urbana City Council, the Champaign City Council, and the Champaign County Board. During the assigned time for public participation, you can say whatever the hell you want, within the assigned time limit. It doesn't have to concern business before the body that evening. 
> So, my proposal is, instead of standing on the street corner, go to the public participation and speak up for peace. Going once to each body would take care of three months. 
> I don't remember exactly how they do it in Champaign or at the County, but a nice thing about the way they do it in Urbana is that you fill out a slip, say why you're there, and say that you want to speak or you don't want to speak. So, for example, one person or two people who felt called to speak could speak, and the other people could say on their slip, "here in support of peace, don't need to speak." That would be kind of like a demonstration, only it wouldn't be cold, and you would be televised. And also, you can leave if you want as soon as public participation is over, so it takes less time. And you don't need to bring any signs. 
> - Robert Naiman
> PS. We might be winning soon on ending US participation in the Saudi war in Yemen on the bill that funds the Pentagon. So peace activism is happening.  
> On Fri, Oct 4, 2019 at 2:19 PM David Green via Peace-discuss <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net> wrote:
> It would appear to me that our 18-year tradition of at least monthly demonstrations is no longer viable or tenable, due to attrition, age, incipient cold weather, and other causes of absence. My concern is also that Doug not be left alone tomorrow or in the future, unless he chooses to do so.
> Best regards,
> David
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