[Peace] More unveiling of Hilary

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 25 14:49:08 UTC 2019

Hillary’s attack on Tulsi for speaking truth, has revealed Hillary for the monster she is, though anyone still liking Hillary after her cackling over the torture, death and destruction of Gaddafi and Libya, for which she as Secretary of State along with Obama the President was responsible, I don’t know. Evidently she is now promoting her book and articles with lies and propaganda, with some protesting but receiving no coverage. The media is still in the back pockets of the ruling elites. See below:

Coleen Rowley<https://www.facebook.com/coleen.rowley?__tn__=%2CdCH-R-R&eid=ARDnmRAj2VF2QvU0yI8jJJrV5f59BsTVuEdpuqvLjgAi7gthHMjypmJLhTM6GOYi6DO7KbOC3xLsTONr&hc_ref=ARRi55EEZilexD4M-zgYi2np3WUa5GFbTgHHQ_6RuHlG1FMsQpqmCYcIrFeeSyvLfCE&fref=nf&hc_location=group>/former FBI
27 mins<https://www.facebook.com/coleen.rowley/posts/10217898290422966>

Unbelievable! Please help me in demanding a retraction of such false news coverage by calling the Star Tribune's editor at 612 673-7299 and/or contacting the reporter, Torey Van Oot, at torey.vanoot at startribune.com<mailto:torey.vanoot at startribune.com> or by posting comments under her horrible article (blatantly attempting to whitewash history). How could this reporter, so blindly fawning over Hillary Clinton, ignore the opposition to the Queen of Warmongers' appearance inside the (formerly peace-oriented) Methodist Church?! The writer claims "only Clinton supporters were in view" while our signs of opposition were prominently placed all around the entrance and were viewed by many in the lines of Clinton's fan club waiting for hours to get in. How could this Strib reporter highlight Clinton's telling the audience how important it is to be "kind" when she ruthlessly pushed in her recent positions of power as Senator and Secretary of State for the most strategically disastrous wars in U.S. history, ones that not only have taken the lives of millions of women, children and other civilians but which have led to thousands of PTSD-afflicted and suicidal veterans, created millions more refugees, created ISIS and increased many-fold the level of terrorism in the world?!How is it "gutsy" for Clinton, channeling Joe McCarthy and J. Edgar Hoover, to blacklist her fellow female presidential candidates Jill Stein and Tulsi Gabbard as "Russian assets"? How was it gutsy or kind to have labeled half of the people in the United States "deplorable?" Ignoring this awful hypocrisy--and all of our clearly-visible signs of opposition to Clinton and her war bloodlust-- would only be possible by the most brainwashed and blindly partisan of "news" coverage.

I will be asking for a full retraction and submitting a letter to the editor but I'm not holding my breath unless we can show that there are more Americans who have not normalized this horrible state of war that Hillary and her neocon warhawk pals have ushered in.
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