[Peace] Request for FOIA for Urbana Park district's depredation permit

Susan Parenti susanroseparenti at gmail.com
Fri May 22 21:54:53 UTC 2020

Susan Henry of Tuscola has spoken with Ben Williamson of the IDNR concerning the Urbana Park District’s depredation permit. 

Ben Williamson spoke with Ms Henry concerning the need for upmost accuracy in the depredation permit, and we are following this up concerning the Urbana Park District’s permit request. 

We request via FOIA that a copy of information UPD has sent IDNR, be sent to me and my colleagues. We are concerned about some of the information the UPD has sent to you. Particularly, we are interested in how the UPD has accounted for community engagement; also we are interested to know what is its responsibility for presenting certain images of atrocities committed by geese that did NOT happen in our park, but were taken from elsewhere, in order to raise public condemnation and horror of the geese. 

We also feel that there is no transparency about when the killing/culling of our geese could take place; we would like some ball-park estimation of that, also. In the past the UPD has given inaccurate schedules of their operations, and we fear that this may be another such occasion.  

Thank you,
Susan Parenti and colleagues

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