[Peace] Popular Resistance

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 23 03:12:25 UTC 2020

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> The Nation’s New Crime Boss <https://popularresistance.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=33602bebba8fb7dd6e71fb413&id=f675eb26cf&e=299fea6351>By John Davis, Counterpunch. The current president has done nothing to correct this underlying criminality. Indeed, he has exacerbated it by his personal corruption, his fostering of the inhumane treatment of migrants at the country’s southern border, his explicit support of racist, white nationalism and, arguably, his criminal mismanagement of the federal response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The incoming president, however, is deeply enmeshed in the vicious turpitude of Empire, a condition to which he has either actively contributed or passively countenanced during his thirty-six years in the Senate and his eight years as vice president. -more- <https://popularresistance.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=33602bebba8fb7dd6e71fb413&id=b431c952a5&e=299fea6351>
> Protest Marks One Month Anniversary Of Lekki Massacre In Nigeria <https://popularresistance.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=33602bebba8fb7dd6e71fb413&id=9419bd918e&e=299fea6351>By Pan African Community Action, Popular Resistance. Washington, DC - The End SAR Solidarity Network is mobilized DC area based activists to protest in front of the Embassy of Nigeria to demand justice for peaceful protestors in Nigeria who were massacred by the Nigerian army at Lekki toll gate on October 20, 2020 and demand an end to the continued repression of other activists. On the 20th of October, 2020, the Nigerian army opened fire on peaceful protesters singing the Nigerian anthem and waving the Nigerian flag at Lekki tollgate, Alausa and other parts of Lagos.  -more- <https://popularresistance.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=33602bebba8fb7dd6e71fb413&id=72269edf89&e=299fea6351>
> Ten Foreign Policy Fiascos Biden Can Fix On Day One <https://popularresistance.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=33602bebba8fb7dd6e71fb413&id=de2b771b90&e=299fea6351>By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, Popular Resistance. Donald Trump loves executive orders as a tool of dictatorial power, avoiding the need to work through Congress. But that works both ways, making it relatively easy for President Biden to reverse many of Trump’s most disastrous decisions. Here are ten things Biden can do as soon as he takes office. Each one can set the stage for broader progressive foreign policy initiatives, which we have also outlined. 1)End the U.S. role in the Saudi-led war on Yemen and restore U.S. humanitarian aid to Yemen.  -more- <https://popularresistance.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=33602bebba8fb7dd6e71fb413&id=3532b0b8df&e=299fea6351>
> Destabilized By US Imperialism, Central America Faces Climate Catastrophes <https://popularresistance.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=33602bebba8fb7dd6e71fb413&id=521edd20bf&e=299fea6351>By Giovanni Batz, The Red Nation. At the moment, Central America is suffering from the acceleration of climate change fueled natural disasters. On the heels of the recent Hurricane Eta and a raging pandemic, Hurricane Iota has hit the region, predominantly impacting Indigenous, Afro-descendant, and black communities. The situation has been made worse by violent and corrupt governments supported by the United States. Indigenous and Afro-descendant communities in Central America have long warned against climate change and environmental destruction caused by foreign-owned and operated extractivist projects. -more- <https://popularresistance.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=33602bebba8fb7dd6e71fb413&id=14c130ecb1&e=299fea6351>
> Shocking New Figures Show How Much US Is Fueling Violence In Yemen <https://popularresistance.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=33602bebba8fb7dd6e71fb413&id=32ece3d8db&e=299fea6351>By Alan Macleod, Mintpress News. Despite presenting itself as a force for good and peace in the Middle East, the United States sells at least five times as much weaponry to Saudi Arabia than aid it donates to Yemen. The State Department constantly portrays itself as a humanitarian superpower with the welfare of the Yemeni people as its highest priority, yet figures released from the United Nations and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) show that since the war in Yemen began, the U.S. government has given $2.56 billion in aid to the country, but sold over $13 billion in high-tech weapons to Saudi Arabia... -more- <https://popularresistance.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=33602bebba8fb7dd6e71fb413&id=b873edb2fa&e=299fea6351>
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> On War, Trump Has Largely Been An Appeaser <https://popularresistance.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=33602bebba8fb7dd6e71fb413&id=ccc0e021da&e=299fea6351>By W. J. Astore, Bracing Views. Yes, it’s good news that Trump is withdrawing troops from Afghanistan and Iraq, though roughly 2500 troops will remain in each country when Joe Biden takes office in January. In short, Trump isn’t ending these wars; he’s merely reducing the number of boots on the ground. His Acting Defense Secretary, Chris Miller, described it as a “repositioning of forces from those two countries.” Repositioning! Perish the thought that the U.S. military might retreat or even withdraw. The answer is to “reposition” those deck chairs on the USS Titanic and its imperial wars, never mind the sinking feeling you may be... -more- <https://popularresistance.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=33602bebba8fb7dd6e71fb413&id=c3b4fc8938&e=299fea6351>
> Nurse Survey Exposes Hospitals’ Failure To Prepare For Covid-19 Surge <https://popularresistance.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=33602bebba8fb7dd6e71fb413&id=c19e035398&e=299fea6351>By National Nurses United. National Nurses United’s new nationwide survey of more than 15,000 registered nurses reveals that 11 months into the pandemic, hospitals are failing to prepare for a surge of Covid-19 cases during flu season and that basic infection control and prevention measures are still lacking. Nurses cite the health care industry’s inappropriate pursuit of profit during this public health crisis as the main reason for its failure to follow the proper infection control measures that nurses have been demanding since the beginning of the pandemic. -more- <https://popularresistance.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=33602bebba8fb7dd6e71fb413&id=54c17de753&e=299fea6351>
> Over 100 Rebellions In Jails And Prisons Over COVID19 Conditions <https://popularresistance.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=33602bebba8fb7dd6e71fb413&id=2cb3bad22e&e=299fea6351>By Ella Fassler, Truthout. U.S jails and prisons, already death traps, have been completely ravaged by COVID-19. Crowded quarters, a lack of PPE, inadequate medical care, an aging population, and unsanitary conditions have contributed to an infection rate 5.5 times higher than the already ballooned average in the U.S. As of this writing, over 252,000 people in jails and prisons have been infected and at least 1,450 incarcerated people and officers have died from the novel coronavirus. Evidence suggests these figures are underreported, however. -more- <https://popularresistance.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=33602bebba8fb7dd6e71fb413&id=dfed27c85b&e=299fea6351>
> Bags And Balloons: Plastic Pollution Choking Sea Life <https://popularresistance.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=33602bebba8fb7dd6e71fb413&id=c44dad28e5&e=299fea6351>By Terra Daily. A dead manatee in Florida was found to have swallowed so many plastic bags they formed a cantaloupe-sized ball in its stomach, while a baby turtle had its intestines perforated by tiny plastic fragments. They are some of 1,800 marine mammals and turtles found to have ingested or been entangled by plastic along American coastlines since 2009, according to a report from conservation NGO Oceana published Thursday. The group's report attempts to describe the cumulative impact of plastic pollution on marine fauna in the United States in the last decade, despite growing recycling practices. -more- <https://popularresistance.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=33602bebba8fb7dd6e71fb413&id=7c25825019&e=299fea6351>
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