[Peace] The Coming War with China

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Sun Oct 18 14:17:41 UTC 2020

Some of us have been predicting war with China for some time, at least since Obama's "Pivot to Asia," in 2012 by placing US battleships in the S. China Sea. The US has over 800 military bases outside of the US with at least 400 surrounding and provoking  China.
Alfred McCoy in his "Shadows of the American Century," quotes the Rand Corp. "as predicting war  with China by 2030."
John Pilger produced a film related to the coming war with China.
Anyone reading Zbigniew Berezinski's "The Grand Chess Board," of 1997 saw the plan for US hegemony in  Eurasia. 
Danny Haiphong of the "Black Agenda Report," has been writing and discussing US provocations of China.
Below is an article by another writer with the BlackAgenda Report, covering the topic of US war with China…..take heed this is what the USG under either Administration, DNC or GOP, is planning

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