[PeoplesPotluck] Potluck this Sunday!

Ricky Baldwin baldwinricky at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 3 17:24:38 CST 2009

Resending this with apologies, because I just added a few folks I left off the list somehow.

Anybody have any ideas what you'll bring?

In Solidarity, Ricky

Please Forward Widely:
Just over a year ago, as the experts finally began to realize the economic disaster we'd been living for months, a handful of local community members held a PEOPLES THANKSGIVING to thank the activists and service providers for the work they did and continue to do - and to talk about responses to the ongoing crisis.
The main idea was this: the government is not going to save us; the "invisible hand of the marketplace" is not going to save us; we as a community have to save ourselves.
This message has never been morely timely.  A lot has happened in the last year - good and bad.  And we are still coming together as a community.  For one thing, we meet the first Sunday of every month to share a meal and a vision, and to talk about the good work that we do every day.  Come, eat with us, bring a dish to share if you like, bring a friend, bring any announcements or ideas you have, petitions, sign-ups for projects you're working on, talk with us about what matters most to you.  Let's do something for our community together.
Sunday Dec. 6 at 6PM
UC Independent Media Center
202 S. Broadway at Elm


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