[PeoplesPotluck] Fwd: Will we survive this?

Belden Fields a-fields at uiuc.edu
Wed Sep 23 10:07:20 CDT 2009

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Bertha Lewis, ACORN" <newsacorn at acorn.org>
> Date: September 23, 2009 8:00:34 AM CDT
> To: a-fields at uiuc.edu
> Subject: RE: Will we survive this?
> Reply-To: newsacorn at acorn.org
> Dear Belden,
> I have an exciting update to share with you. An anonymous donor has  
> offered to match all new donations to ACORN -- dollar-for-dollar --  
> up to $20,000.
> Can you tell your friends? Click here to use our online Tell-A- 
> Friend tool, or just forward the email below.
> I know I speak for everyone at ACORN when I tell you that we are  
> humbled by the outpouring of support, and we are deeply grateful  
> for your donation. Thank you so much.
> -- Bertha Lewis
> PS: Do you use Facebook or Twitter? Paste this to your status  
> update to help spread the word: "Check it out - When you donate to  
> ACORN today, your gift will be worth DOUBLE. I donated. Will you  
> help? http://bit.ly/HlweJ"
> Help us survive.
> We need you now.
> Your gift today will be matched dollar-for-dollar by a generous  
> supporter, up to $20,000.
> Please donate today. Click here.
> Dear Belden,
> I won't pretend this is easy. I'll tell you the truth just as I  
> always have, and today the truth is this: it's been the hardest  
> week in the history of ACORN, and we need your support -- and I  
> mean really, we need your help to survive.
> We're used to attacks from Fox News and the right wing. They will  
> stop at nothing -- certainly not the truth -- to take us down. Why?  
> Because when the poor and powerless stay poor and stay powerless,  
> the rich and powerful get more rich and more powerful.
> ACORN's mission for nearly 40 years has been to empower those who  
> need it badly -- communities of color, low-income workers, people  
> locked out of the American Dream until they found us. The right  
> wing hates us for it, and they want to destroy ACORN.
> I'm not talking about hurt feelings. This week, the right wing came  
> closer to their goal than ever before. They injected the media with  
> such poisonous propaganda attacking ACORN, that they even got to  
> Congress. And the upshot is that Congress cut funding for our  
> housing programs.
> That's right -- Congress cut funding we use to help families with a  
> range of affordable housing issues in the middle of the worst  
> housing crisis since the Great Depression. And they did it because  
> Fox News and the right wing smear machine told them to do it.
> Belden, we need your help to survive. Make a donation if you can,  
> and please be as generous as you can afford today.
> The right wing is fighting mean and nasty, because they know who  
> they are dealing with. ACORN is fighting back, and we're fighting  
> on the side of justice. And I can tell you because I know --  
> history is always on that side. Give what you can to help us  
> survive this.
> In solidarity and strength,
> Bertha Lewis
> ACORN CEO and Chief Organizer
>  © 2009 ACORN and ACORN logo are Registered Trademarks of the  
> Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, Inc.
> ACORN is the nation's largest community organization of low- and  
> moderate-income families, with over 500,000 member families  
> organized into neighborhood chapters in 75 cities across the  
> country. Since 1970 ACORN has taken action and won victories on  
> issues of concern to our members. Our priorities include: better  
> housing for first time homebuyers and tenants, living wages for low- 
> wage workers, more investment in our communities from banks and  
> governments, and better public schools. ACORN is an acronym, and  
> each letter should be capitalized. ACORN stands for the Association  
> of Community Organizations for Reform Now.
> If you no longer wish to receive updates from ACORN, click here to  
> be removed from the list

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