[PeoplesPotluck] Potluck for Anti-Nato Activists and Art-Making Party

St. Jude Catholic Worker stjudecatholicworker at gmail.com
Fri Apr 27 23:37:31 UTC 2012


Just a friendly reminder that this Sunday (as we always do on the last
Sunday of every month) we are having a potluck at the house. But this
is not just any potluck... it is a Fun-raiser for IVAW (Iraq Veterans
Against the War) and a protest art-making party for activist traveling
to Chicago. We will have great food as always, collective art making,
music, and opportunities to join up with activists taking it to the
streets of Chicago!

Fundraiser Party and Art-Making
Catholic Worker House | 317 S. Randolph St, Champaign, IL 61820
Sunday, April 29th, 2012 | 3pm--8pm

Come to CW House for a community potluck with music and art-making—a
(fun)draiser to support anti-war organizers against the NATO Summit
Me...eting in Chicago. We'll be creating cloth signs, large-scale
puppets, prints and posters for those going to the NATO protest (in
Chicago May 20th). Interested in getting involved? You can also meet
those who are organizing a bus to the protest itself and sign-up to
go. Can't attend the protest in Chicago? No problem! Come kick it with
us and pitch in by making a poster, designing a print, or dancing the
night away. Free and open to all. If you can, bring a dish to pass
and/or art supplies.

Again, the time is 3pm - 8pm!

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