[UC-ODDMUSIC-discuss] Fwd: new design for interaction

Jacob Barton udderbot at gmail.com
Mon Nov 14 12:22:30 CST 2011

File also under "work" o_O

Drum set is back in oddmusic. Music stands, except one, are in oddmusic.

Black bookcase consists of Oddmusic readings, now accessible outside of
oddmusic.  Instrument design and construction, various music and non-music
readings.  Atop the bookshelf, a mini-selection from the library: udderbot,
toy melodica, harmonicas, marching band zine from the Rude Mechanical
Orchestra. Peruse!

Oddmusic instrument library has been cleaned up for new waves of wide-eyed
concepto-volunteers. Instrument lovers needed. Inquire as interest affords.

Beware: recording studio has been gutted. Jacob's home office is the future
site of Oddmusic Recording Studio.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Elizabeth Simpson <elizacorps at yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 7:37 PM
Subject: new design for interaction
To: SDAS Current <sdas-current at googlegroups.com>

Hi folks-

The SDAS/family room has been lovingly rearranged towards use when classes
are not happening as well as when they are.

Features include: classroom , study hall/music listening, and food court.
The alternative lighting is super. Note that some of the fluorescent bulbs
take a couple minutes to get to full intensity.

Not yet adapted are the cupholders.

Still needed-
-some sort of shelves or something to organize tea/coffee/food supplies
-brighter lightbulbs for the food court lamp
-attention to the bookcase and its contents
-your enthralled use

Let's try it out and see how we like it. I can vouch that I would now
gladly have conversations, listening sessions, and co-work in this space,
where I would not before because it felt awkward and uninviting.

Lots of folks put effort towards this progressive shift: attention breeds
attention. Yay!

self-elected to the 'let's take care of our space' initiative,
p.s. if a whole room meeting were needed, simply rotate the couch and
re-allocate the chairs- viola!

learn about my latest initiative:
Celebrate U-C People's History Poster Project

Please make a donation to support future posters:

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