[UC-ODDMUSIC] Need Volunteer Performers for Deke Weaver's Elephant!

Jason Finkelman finkelma at illinois.edu
Thu Sep 2 12:25:39 CDT 2010


This is a note to start the official GATHERING OF VOLUNTEERS for Deke 
Weaver's show ELEPHANT. I'm sending this to a large list with the hope 
that you would either want to be part of the show or might know one, two 
or five people that might want to be part of it.

Staged in the livestock pavilion on campus - the sort of place where the 
4-H Club would judge the prize hogs in a state fair … ELEPHANT will 
feature video projected on two 90-foot long screens, stories of depth 
and wonder and a larger-than-lifesize elephant puppet. This Creative 
Capital supported performance, part of the Center for Advanced Study’s 
2010-11 series, is going to be weird, haunting and one-of-a-kind.

There are some fantastically talented people building the show – 
choreographer and codirector Jennifer Allen, composer-musician Chris 
Peck, lighting designer Valerie Oliveiro, environmental designer Andy 
Warfel, written, video, and directed by Deke Weaver. Featured performers 
will include Gary Ambler, Cynthia Oliver, Stephen May, Kyli Kleven and 
Jessica Cornish.

We need 34-36 people total. These people will be broken into 
pairs/partners (18 pairs) who will run to the middle of the stock 
pavilion to a stack of 70 haybales. Amidst huge energy/sound, each pair 
will grab a bale of hay and carry it to make two lines of haybales that 
the audience will sit on. We'll try to get this big 9 foot high pile of 
70 bales dispersed into two 90 foot long rows in under 4 minutes.

There will probably be a couple of other things, such as operating 
follow spots, moving things around during the show, helping with preset 
that people will do, but the haybale-run is the thing most important and 

The Cast of Thousands reh/perf. schedule:

Sat. 9/11

1p-4:30p Hay Bale Reh. (if you can't make all of this, that's ok)

** possible participation in parts of tech on sun. 9/19 or mon. 9/20

Tue. 9/21

7p Prep for Dress
8p Dress Reh

Wed. 9/22 thru Mon. 9/27

6p Prep for Performances
7:30 House Open
8pm Show GO

I think the show is going to be really interesting, exciting, haunting 
and one-of-a-kind.
Let me know if you're interested!

in elephant spirit,
Jennifer Allen
(guinyviere2000 at yahoo.com <mailto:guinyviere2000 at yahoo.com>)

Jennifer Allen, LMT., certified Zero Balancer
1110 W. Daniel St.
Champaign, IL 61821 * 217.721.6813


Jason Finkelman

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