[Vip-communityjustice] Welcome Back to Community Justice!!!

Gail Schnitzer gcschnitzer at gmail.com
Sun Jan 21 15:05:16 CST 2007

Hello all,

I hope all of your breaks went well and that you are all well rested and
ready to volunteer. We have a few upcoming events of which you should be


Come to the Union this coming Tuesday or Thursday for Volunteer Illini
Projects Recruitment Nights. Learn about other programs you may be
interested in, bring a friend to introduce them to the programs or simply
support me!! We will be in Union 314A on the Tuesday  the 23rd and the
Ballroom on Wednesday the 24th. Both programs start at 7:00 and should take
about an hour.


Need a refresher on all that VIP- CJ has to offer? Head to the English
Building room 108 at 7 on Tuesday January 30th or at 6 on Thursday February
1st. This is also a good time to pick up any forms you may need like
background checks or new pen pal packets.


The first trip to the Independent Media Center will be Janurary 27th, this
Saturday. Come help sort books, write letters, and more to help combat
prisoner illiteracy and social isolation. Meet in the IU Circle Drive at
1:45. You should return around 4:00 PM. Future dates are tentitively set for
February 10th (possibly also the 24th), March 3rd, April 7th. All of these
dates are Saturdays. RSVP to Christina Chou at cchou3 at uiuc.edu


This is a good time to write to your pen pal!!! Be sure to use your
pseudonym and leave out the personal identifiers. Since winter break just
ended, explaining how your holidays were is a great idea. You can also ask
how the prisoners celebrate while incarcerated. Remember, if you have any
problems with your pen pal to e-mail me write away at gschnit2 at uiuc.edu

If you need a new pen pal just stop by the VIP office (RSO Complex, 2nd
floor of the Illini Union, Quad Side). Grab a pen pal from the folder marked
"new pen pal packets" on the office door and fill out the small contact form
also found in this folder. You can return the form to the "community justice
form return" folder on the door or to my mailbox.


The date has been set for the first Baby Sitting Skills Class for juvenile
offenders hosted by Community Justice. Mark the Date, March 10th, if you are
interested in supervision. The big Supervision program date is yet to be

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me or stop by my
new office hours 1:30 - 2:30 MW or by appointment.



Gail C. Schnitzer
Political Science & Speech Communication, University of Illinois at
Director, Community Justice Program, Volunteer Illini Projects

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
– Martin Luther King Jr., Letter from Birmingham Jail, April 16, 1936
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