[Volunteers] OVP Weekly Volunteer Opportunity E-mail (06/27/03)

Sascha Meinrath sascha at ucimc.org
Fri Jun 27 18:19:28 CDT 2003

Good Evening!

Table of Contents:

1. Volunteer Illini Projects and CBSI--Blood Drive
2. Champaign County Nursing Home--sewing
3. Red Cross-- "Together We Prepare"
4. World Freefall Convention--medical needs


1.  This week there is a blood drive being held in 314 of the union
sponsored by Volunteer Illini Projects and CBSI.  We are in DESPERATE need
of blood donors.  There is a blood shortage and to make things worse as we
all know there are less people on campus during the summer- so we REALLY
need as many people as we can to go out and donate.  If you have a chance-
pretty please go and donate blood this Tuesday through Friday between
11am-3pm in 314 of the union.  Just be sure to eat something before you
donate.  It should only take 45 minutes, and its real easy and you get
free food when you are done AND a T-shirt!!!

2.  Come join our small team of creative sewers at the Champaign County
Nursing Home. Perform small repairs and labeling of our residents clothing on
Monday and Thursday.  Contact Kalah McGraw for more information at 384-3784.

3.  "Together We Prepare" is a disaster preparedness initiative of the local
Red Cross. Volunteers with this new program will help with community outreach,
to educate others about five key steps anyone can take to be prepared.
Opportunities are available in public outreach, publicity, recognition, fund
raising and special event coordination. There's something for everyone, and
time commitment is flexible. "Together We Prepare" will kick off in July and
run through the end of September.  Contact Andy Miller at 344-2800 for more

4.  World Freefall Convention is looking for LPN, RN, EMT, etc. to assist
medical staff and paramedics for any medical needs. Must be able to work as a
team, please list qualifications.  Contact Michelle Clayton at maprvil at ao.com
or by 892-9100 for more information.

Thirsting for other volunteer opportunities? Check out www.cuvolunteer.org
for 250+ others.

Tell them the Office of Volunteer Programs sent you,

--Sascha & Sara
Office of Volunteer Programs

Phone#:  333-7424
E-mail:  ovp at uiuc.edu
Office:  277 Illini Union (in the RSO complex)
Website: www.union.uiuc.edu/ovp

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