[BfB(oG)] U of I for Nader?

Jim Buell jbuell at uiuc.edu
Sat Aug 26 17:35:08 CDT 2000

Strange indeed. I too would be interested in knowing more. Following your 
link, I read:

METHODOLOGY: The organizations
listed here came from two sources:
  either they were the sponsor of a PAC
  that donated to the member, or they
  were listed as individual donor's
  employer. Donors who give more
  than $200 must provide information
  on their occupation and employer.

The total listed is an even $3000. My best guess would simply be that 
people who'd given directly to the Nader campaign ended up listing the UI 
as 'employer'. Note that anyone who gives over $200 has to list an employer 
for campaign contributions. 3 people who each gave the max of $1000 (e.g. a 
husband, wife and child, or 3 strangers) would account for the whole $3000. 
So would 15 who gave $200, or even a bunch who, like me, gave $25 or so 
directly, and just happened to list an employer online because they hate to 
leave an html field unfilled ;-).

Still, I'd sure like to meet these sugar daddies whoever they are, 'cause 
it'd be nice to have some walking around cash to fight the ballot 
challenges that are coming up. (We may have six or seven counties to watch 
for Dem challengers trying to blast the signatures in this part of the state.)


At 04:02 PM 8/26/00 -0700, Paul Riismandel wrote:
>This is strange.  I was surfing around, checking out who's giving money to 
>who, and I stumbled onto a list of top contributors to the Nader 
>campaign.  And guess who's number 6?  The University of Illinois!
>See for yourself: http://www.opensecrets.org/2000elect/contrib/P20000527.htm
>Of course Illinois is still behind U. of California and Ben and Jerry's.
>Can somebody conjure up an explanation for this strange state of affairs?
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Jim Buell
jbuell at uiuc.edu
graduate student in Ed Psych, UIUC

The Prairie Greens: http://www.prairienet.org/greens/
also worth a look: http://www.Nader2000.org

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