[BfB(oG)] U of I for Nader?

Jim Buell jbuell at uiuc.edu
Sat Aug 26 19:10:56 CDT 2000

Even more on the topic of who's paying for the campaigns, and thus for the 
candidates who wage them. One of the best sites I know of is the Center for 
Public Integrity - the folks who put out the mass-market paperback "The 
buying of the President 2000" - http://www.publicintegrity.org/

The Brennan Center, which is representing Ralph in the Illinois and other 
ballot access denials, is also doing its bit: http://www.brennancenter.org

There's another campaign finance watchdog group that's been much in the 
news this week (CNN's Hardball and a CSPAN offering, anyway) with a name 
something like Center for Corporate Responsibility, but I can't locate 
their website at the moment. Anyone?


Jim Buell
jbuell at uiuc.edu
graduate student in Ed Psych, UIUC

The Prairie Greens: http://www.prairienet.org/greens/
also worth a look: http://www.Nader2000.org

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