[BfB(oG)] Re: [prairiegreens] Sunday 5 p.m. - Be a Billionaire!

Jim Buell jbuell at uiuc.edu
Sat Jul 29 18:34:16 CDT 2000

I like the idea of thinking of this as a practice event, too. A nice thing 
about postering in costume and character is that it functions as a live 
event for observers who happen across us and as a stealth event for those 
who only notice the posters later. I enjoy the thought of folks coming to 
work or school Monday morning and saying, 'huh! how'd those get here?' And 
then their finding out more from letters to the editor and WEFT, As Zach 
suggests. With luck, the Billionaires will be a recurrent event through 
election time.


>I don't know if this first event will be flashy enough to try to get
>media on the spot to do coverage. I'd like to use this as more of a
>practice event and maybe when the Dems convention comes around we can
>do a media circus.

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