[CHANGES] just for today

Sandra Ahten sandra_ahten at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 15 16:21:49 CST 2003

Just for today.

Some of you are counting points. Some on high protein diets. Some of you 
have the goal of simply eating a reasonable diet. Take minute each morning 
and give thought to what you goals and plans are for the day.

It is so easy to just throw up your hands and throw in the towel and resign 
yourself to the fact that it is just TOO hard to worry about weight loss or 
maintenance during Holiday season. It is hard, isn’t it? So many challenges. 
But the great news is that you don’t have to maintain control for the next 3 
weeks. Just ask yourself, “What can I do today?”

I asked Kevin to make a fruit salad this weekend. I roasted a turkey breast 
and made a crock pot full of vegetarian chili. When I got really busy this 
weekend and needed some fast food… I went to the salad bar at the grocery 
store and created a high protein, low fat salad. When I ate at the Mexican 
restaurant I had a salad with shrimp, dressed with lime juice and salsa. I 
brought pretzels to the studio to help me avoid the brownies.

Am I loosing weight? No. I’ve also had sugar cookies (that Kevin brought 
home from the office) and cheesecake (at a party). I indulged in biscuits 
and gravy one morning (thank you Angie). But I have not thrown up my hands 
and thrown in the towel.

There are many lists of tips. Many diet books. Many websites with plans. 
Check out www.weightwatchers.com.  But you won’t be doing any searching, or 
reading, or counting points if you’ve thrown in the towel. Make up your mind 
to start each day of the season afresh.  Start today. Each day is a new 
opportunity to help you believe in yourself. Make a plan. Do the best you 
can and then give yourself credit for what you have done.

Happiest of holiday wishes to you and your family as we hope for peace in 
the world.

©2003 by Sandra Ahten

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