[CHANGES] Vacationer's Special

Sandra Ahten sandra_ahten at hotmail.com
Tue May 10 07:27:20 CDT 2005

Groups and private coaching providing diet and lifestyle -- support, 
motivation, accountability, and fresh ideas for the 
I-Know-What-To-Do-I-Just-Don’t-Do-It Crowd.

The first 10 new clients who sign up in May get a free private coaching 
session AND a “Vacationer's Special” with 2 weeks free in a 10 weeks 
session! I am also available for “at work” meetings and as a speaker for 
your group. Contact me if you want details on groups, private diet coaching, 
or public speaking topics.

Sandra Ahten
p.s. If you shop at Schnucks scroll down for a great healthy living tip.
The Reasonable Diet: Where Happiness, Diet, & Life Collide
©2005 By: Sandra Ahten

“Long Term Care Insurance”

I am reclaiming the word diet. Dieting is not about someone else telling us 
what we should eat. It is not about being a super model. It is not about 
being hungry. It is not even necessarily about losing weight. Diet can be 
defined simply as: the usual food and drink of a person or daily sustenance.
To be certain -- to be human is to be on a diet. Part of being on a diet, of 
being human, is planning and preparation of our food. We all, whether full 
size or petite, have to plan what food we are going to eat and how we are 
going to acquire the food and prepare it. For most of us, this means which 
restaurant to choose or what to pack for lunch. It means how to cook with 
less oil and how to resist the sugar.  For some, it means how to find a job 
that pays enough to feed the family. For Oprah, and a privileged few, it 
means how to hire a chef who will cooperate with their personal trainer.

The question is not whether you are on a diet, but whether your diet is 
moving you closer to your life goals. One of my goals is to be active and 
independent up until the day I die. That may not be totally realistic – I 
could become disabled tomorrow – for any number of reasons that are out of 
my control.  But I want to know that I’ve done everything I can to keep 
myself independent. I think of a healthy diet as Long-Term-Care Insurance; 
not insurance that will be paying for my nursing home stay, but rather, that 
which will keep me out of the nursing home as long as possible. What could 
help keep you out of a nursing home? Would your list include losing weight 
or improving your diet? How about, increasing exercise, quitting smoking, or 
reducing alcohol consumption? Some might need more rest. Perhaps you need to 
decrease stress. Given the strong correlation in studies showing that both 
prayer and humor aide healing, you might need to find a way to improve your 
spiritual connection or to laugh more; it likely works in preventative ways 

The arrival of spring is a perfect time to make change in your life. Pick 
your goal. Dream your dream. Don’t be confined by the limitations of your 
past. What would you like to welcome into your life? What would you like to 
let go of? Later you can determine a detailed strategic. But first, just 
allow yourself the possibility of change. Then allow yourself just one small 
step in that direction. Buy a new pair of tennis shoes. Get your bike 
serviced. Plan to take a healthy lunch to work 3 days next week. Most of us 
have set goals and then let ourselves down before. This is especially true 
of dieting. But “you” are not the same “you” that failed before. You have 
changed. You are a different person every day. You are a different person 
each time you've met someone new, read a new book, given of yourself, or had 
a prayer answered. The old “you” might have stumbled, but if the “you” of 
today is ready for a healthier life - then be open to the possibility. Offer 
as much support as you can to that “you” who has chosen to believe that 
change is possible.

It is not too early or too late to start shopping for your long term care 
insurance. It is not a one-time buy, but rather an installment purchase. 
What installment can you make today? Don’t worry about how you will find the 
motivation in a week or a month or a year. You will again be a new person -- 
with new information, new strategies and new successes by then. Just find 
the motivation to make your installment today.

******************* QUOTE
“Each indecision brings its own delays and days are lost lamenting over lost 
days... What you can do or think you can do, begin it. For boldness has 
magic, power, and genius in it.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Healthy Living Tip: Schnucks Supermarkets in Urbana and Champaign will bake 
any selection of their fresh fish at no extra cost. I like the salmon and 
tilapia.  They will baste it in lemon juice or you can select from a number 
of marinades. They will also cornmeal batter their catfish and oven-fry it. 
Any selection will take about 15- 20 minutes and be wrapped in a tinfoil 
container so it will still be warm when you get home.
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to my newsletter.

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