[CHANGES] Salad dressing, podcast, and Sandra

Sandra Ahten sandra_ahten at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 10 21:57:17 CDT 2006

Motivating you… to move from the…

I-Know-What-To-Do-I’m-Just-Not-Doing-It crowd
-- to the --
Check-Me-Out-I-Made-Great-Progress-This-Week! crowd

In this issue:

1) HEALTHY LIVING TIP: Great salad dressing suggestions.


3) SANDRA UPDATE: I’m so excited about helping so many people lose weight. I 
believe I’m finally hitting my stride in the combination of being a really 
good diet coach, entrepreneur, and artist.

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Top a green salad with fresh fruit and a Raspberry Pecan (fat free) dressing 
by Ken’s Steak House. My other favorite prepared dressing is Newsman’s Own, 
Low Fat Sesame Ginger. At only 35 calories for 2 tablespoons, this is also 
great stir-fry flavoring. If your salad already has flavorful fat, from 
additions such as cheese or avocado, try a no-calorie sprinkle of balsamic 
vinegar instead of dressing.


Would you like to get motivated while you are walking or on your drive to 
Discover podcasting.

I now have a weekly motivational podcast, Reasonable Diets: Six Minutes of 

Don’t know what a podcast is?
Hint – It’s kind of like an internet radio program – but better because you 
subscribe for free and listen at your own convenience. You don’t need an 

All the info is available from the “listen” button on my webpage

While you are there – check out the new AIM support groups. These are client 
whom are losing weight for all the world to see! Check out their pictures, 
bio, and the community forum where they support each other.

Next week, I’m starting a second podcast – where you can listen in on my 
tele-conference coaching session with them.


I’m feeling so proud of my Reasonable Diet coaching service. I have numerous 
clients who are losing weight – by getting the support they need -- not just 
to change their behavior, but to change their thought process. You have to 
change your relationship with food if you want to keep the weight off.

When I quit Weight Watchers about 4 years ago, I thought I would try to 
phase out diet coaching and be more of a full time artist. But, I’ve 
discovered that I have a passion for this, just as much as I have a passion 
for art. The questions then became, “How to have time to do both?” It’s a 
bit of a juggling act – but I’m doing it!

The best news is that all of this activity has not come at the expense of my 
overall good health and well being. When I saw that I was getting out of 
balance, I set up a calendar. On the calendar I give myself a star for each 
of the following categories everyday.

1) good eating habits

2) good spiritual self-care (This usually means journaling, sometime prayer 
of another sort.)

3) exercise (Remember, I’m in training. I rode a total of 60 miles on my 
bike and walked 15 miles last

4) yoga (I give myself a star, if I do at least 10 minutes… and I got 4 
stars last week)

I hope you are feeling happy and peaceful on your journey. If not, what 
small step can you take to move in a positive direction? Is there anyway I 
can help?

You can contact me directly – or use the community forum at the website.

Hoping for peace in the world and wishing you peace of mind.


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