[Community] July UCIMC Steering Minutes

Chris Ritzo chris.ritzo at gmail.com
Thu Jul 2 21:38:24 CDT 2009

Steering Minutes, 7/2/2009

Aug 6th show request for Thursday night would this disrupt steering.
6-10pm could steering meet somewhere else that night?
- BTP offerred their space to use or we could use as the Family Room.
Notification should go out to all working groups that meetings will
need to be held elsewhere
- consensus reached to move meetings to another space that night.
- Shows will send an email notification to all working groups or to
individual spokes

The Urbana Business Association is willing to pay for the use of the
Sun Room on August 29th. They will be paying the full members day
rate, and the sun room would be theirs from 11am to 9pm. Is ok with
the skillshares folks since they had asked for the space first?
Skillshares could still use the main space and the family room if
- This is fine with Community Connections/Skillshares folks

Librarians Request use of one IMC flag for ALA event
- consensus reached to loan flag for dates 7/9-13

Financial report - Jasen
- working on refinancing the building, should be final by next week
- received Americorp grant for 8 new positions. Nicole revised budget
and submitted it
- Reported on balances effective May 31

IMC Open House- July 25th confirmed as the date
- Invited groups to participate, explained open house concept
- Isaac may be able to coordinate a staff orientation training at this event
- Suggestion to involve IMC tenants
- Community Connections will be contacting working groups to get involved

Consolidating fundraising efforts- there are a couple out there, let's
streamline and work together
- Jasen- Americorp positions are starting to ramp up fundraising efforts.
- Finance putting a proposal together that working groups are able to
help fundraise to support the AMericorp positions
- Consensed that Finance will present an update on Vistas and
Consortium employees

- Quad Day - need to coordinate one table and staff it. Last year
there was some confusion.
Someone should contact Ray Morales to coordinate efforts for this coming fall.

- Farmers Market booth
RFU has had one in the past. RFU has been staffing the booth but is
open to broader IMC staffing
 Jacob volunteered to bring this up with RFU and coordinate booth
volunteer efforts
- Fundraising at ALA, merchandise
- Membership drive

Beyond Business meeting- confirming a date
- suggestion to table this and use one of the Community
Connections/Outreach meetings to host a Beyond Business meeting

Mess found last week in Family room
- food in basket last Saturday
- maybe overflow from blues fest- IMC folks bringing people in?
- Belden said the small bathroom was out of towels and trash not emptied
- Tim working on issues, hiring one or two additional maintenance issues.
- Larry Keller suggested that finance look into grants for energy
efficient upgrades

- CU Folk and Roots Festival coming up Sept 25th-26th cufolkandroots.org
- People's Potluck Sunday July 5th, 6PM - Housing - Safe Haven Tent Community
- Retaining wall on the west side of the IMC is being painted. Artist
Chris Hampson will be organizing a group painting party to help add to
a mural there

Consensed to move Aug. Steering meeting to the 2nd Thurs. 8/13/2009

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