[Community] fundraising and wednesday meeting at 5?

Elizabeth Simpson elizacorps at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 6 12:24:41 CDT 2009

Hi all, 
A primary concern I have is to broaden the group who is working on this. It is a HUGE endeavor, and needs to get more folks involved. It seems like the key way this will happen is to find people from each working group (especially those who directly benefit through an americorps member, an office, etc).
Community connections was aiming towards connecting with the individuals workgroups- maybe this is related?
We could meet on wednesday to move forward on that. I suggest 5pm. There is certinainly work we can and should do before the 15th (Nicole's return). 

A strong people need no leader 
- Zapata 


--- On Mon, 7/6/09, JOY <imcbooks at gmail.com> wrote:

From: JOY <imcbooks at gmail.com>
Subject: Americorps Fundraising Meeting
To: "Elizabeth Simpson" <elizacorps at yahoo.com>, "Nicole Pion" <nicole.pion at gmail.com>, "kathy celis" <katcelis at gmail.com>
Date: Monday, July 6, 2009, 9:12 AM

Good Morning All,
I've been thinking this over and think we should wait until Nicole returns before we meet instead of meeting this Wednesday. I would rather just get in line and support Nicole's lead on this project. Nicole, I'm not trying to dump on you, but I originally didn't realize you already had the wheels in motion to fundraise.

In the meantime, I have a spreadsheet to forward to Kathy so she can begin working on a list of lifetime members, sustaining funders, etc. to support this.
Another project Jason and I identified for Kathy is to go through our PayPal transactions (at least '08 and '09) and change the account from "PayPal" to "membership," "sustaining funder." etc. This will also help.

I hope I'm making sense. 

Joy Davis
UCIMC Office Manager
202 S. Broadway Ave., Suite 100
Urbana, IL 61801
imcbooks at gmail.com


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