[Community] Communication and decisions structure proposal (ideas wanted!)

Elizabeth Simpson elizacorps at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 27 15:16:28 CDT 2009

Hi Finance crew, Community Connections, and the staff-type folks, 

It makes sense that someone who isn't Nicole would be aware of what Isaac, Chris, Tim. and Jacob are doing, but I don't think the main list is the right place. That list is problematic already because it's the dump all. People can't sign up for notices without also getting all the guts, many folks just ignore most of the messages, no one knows who is responding to what, etc.  It also opens up what they are doing to interrogation and comment by random folks who have no connection to them. I'd feel weird about that if I were them, but that's me. 

I've been thinking about this anyway, with regard to outreach- my proposal is that we have multiple lists:

imc at ucimc.org
for decision-making, that is, steering. It's for when decisions need to be made, problems arise, questions are asked by people from other projects, etc. This group functions like a general membership meeting.

public at ucimc.org
a general IMC info list for events and happenings, our 'general public' list. This functions like an outreach list. 

stewardship at ucimc.org
Finally there would be a steward list, which would be for spokes and anyone who elects to be on it, and THIS is where the report backs would get sent. Developing such a thing is key because of upcoming VISTAS. People on this would commit to reading it and addressing it as needed. It would be a formalized place for what already happens informally, which is teeny groups of people address issues outside of steering. This functions sort of like a board does, except that it doesn't hold decision-making power, it is a concerted, rotating, group that is keeping an eye on the whole. It is, in a way what I'm doing now- addressing things in a small group with people most involved, before throwing it out to the vague big group.



A strong people need no leader 
- Zapata 


--- On Mon, 7/27/09, Tim Pawlowski <tpaw2880 at hotmail.com> wrote:

From: Tim Pawlowski <tpaw2880 at hotmail.com>
Subject: [Imc] RE: Supervision of consortium workers - response needed from Chris, Isaac, Tim, and Jacob
To: imc at ucimc.org
Cc: imc-bookkeeper at lists.chambana.net
Date: Monday, July 27, 2009, 12:02 PM

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So today I met with Fred of Kobel Plumbing at 8....I cleared the main shut off valve area and closed both hot and cold for them...they got there at 8:22...finished up at 10:45 and switched out four valves.  He will be coming in later this week to replcae three valves in the downstairs bathroom.  Called Jon of Comfort Mechanical to see if there would be an issue with the A/C system if the water would be off for some time as well as planned for him to come in later this week and finish up charging the lines (putting in coolant).  Cleaned up and organized the building, placed an order with CDC for black bags, paper towels, latex gloves, bleach and dust masks....measured the window of 206 to replace missing pane, cleaned and organized outside area, including bikes/tires/wheels that are constantly being abandoned all over the place.  This week I'm planning to finish up priming the hallway and going to ACE and this other place Chris H. mentioned to get
 donated paint/mistints and begin working on final coat next week or so.  I also have to chop a junk couch in half and fit it in the dumpster,...mop downstairs bathrooms, take down water shut off signs, take out recycle for wednesday, find flourecent ballasts that work, replace dead bulbs from upstairs/handicapp entrance, take pics of units and list individually on Craigslist now that they are cleaner and brighter since the summer "help" girls cleaned windows and such last week. I want to hang the paintings/pictures that old manager Chris placed in one of the stairwells, try and fix the other light post out front that is not lighting up, replace ductwork by the stage, as well as a million other things that you can come in and see for yourself...I feel slightly irritated from being 'supervised' via online, but understand your concerns for structure and accountability.  As far as barriers and concerns, I feel like I have been handed over alot of
 reposibilities and duties that require me to be in at all times of the week (last sat potential tenant, two sundays ago at noon)...as well as performing tasks that far exceed my compensation...it was a worthy effort to bring in the summer help, but it did not solve the original problem of having someone to help me out(without constant supervision and training).  You can't always get what you want,... back at square one.  --Tim

From: chyn at ojctech.com
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 11:56:22 -0500
Subject: Supervision of consortium workers - response needed from Chris, 	Isaac, Tim, and Jacob
To: imc-bookkeeper at lists.chambana.net
CC: miburges at gmail.com; hampson2 at gmail.com; tpaw2880 at hotmail.com; udderbot at gmail.com

Hello finance folks -

I want to reiterate my request to have Isaac, Tim, Jacob, and Chris H providing weekly email reports about what they did last week, what they plan for next week, and what barriers or concerns they have that stand in the way.  Any overall picture of goals would be helpful too.

Can each of you 4 reply that you can provide this to imc at ucimc.org cced to imc-bookkeeper at lists.chambana.net on a weekly basis?

I am concerned that too much of the management work is falling to Nicole and the steering and finance groups needs to play a greater role in this.  The problem is that the group does not know what the consortium workers are engaged with.

I also have concerns that consortium workers may be spinning their wheels or not keeping regular hours, etc as well as concerns that they are not getting the support and structure they need to do their jobs.




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