[Community] Front desk staffing calendar

Jacob Barton udderbot at gmail.com
Thu Oct 22 14:51:48 CDT 2009

The weekly front desk staffing hours are, for now, in a spreadsheet
that anyone can see.  See?


Staffing the front desk more helps us connect with & serve more
people. It also gives you a better idea of what's going on here daily.
 If you're hesitant, there's a helpful handbook that explains
everything.  (It may need updating.)

So far, everyone on it can edit it + invite people, so get in touch
with one of us to sign up for a weekly slot, or to ask someone to move

Soon we'll update the sign to something other than "our hours vary,
good luck", so act now.

Ho hum no one's coming in so I get to write this email and so can you,

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