[Cprb] CPRB meeting minutes2/10/04

Gabriel Stanton ggstanto at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 11 22:39:14 CST 2004

Facilitated  by Jennifer Walling

10 people were in attendance

                                                   Citizen Police Review 
Board proposal

7 people , volunteers with power to recieve complaints and hire 
investigators. They can evaluate patterns of complaints as well as police 
policies and recommend policy change.

There would need to be a CPRB panel for every Police Department (Parkland, U 
oF I, Urbana, Champaign)

Each city council member would get to pick three candidates and of those 
three the mayor could select one.

Board would be funded by tax revenue. Expense will be offset at least in 
part by fiscal savings of reduced lawsuits, internal affairs investigations.

Now is a time that we should try to increase public interest in the proposal 
escpecially in Urbana. The first way to do this is by telling individuals 
about the resolution and getting groups to co-sponsor it.  we can do that by 
calling and distributing pamphlets and flyers asking for support. Secondly  
members can get testimonies of people who experienced police brutality 
incident. Finally, concerned citizens can organize public forums either on 
the radio or in public places to discuss these incidents. And  of course 

Once the process of setting the board up has begun there is still much work 
to be done to keep it working
I agreed to call to ask for sponsorship of AMASONG, VORP, NAMI and Bethel

For other assignments  contact Jennifer Walling

Next meeting  March Eigth.

Ricky and Mort are organizing a couple of speakers tentatively at the 
Douglas Branch Library on February 24th.

Dave of the Prarie Greens announced that Chuck D of the influential rap 
group Public Enemy was scheduled to speak on campus on April 7 and 8th.

Pamphlets, Sponsorship flyers and Incident reports should be available on 
the website (address?)

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