[Cprb] CPRB meeting minutes from 3/9

Walling, Jennifer jwalling at law.uiuc.edu
Sun Mar 14 12:14:02 CST 2004

Hi everyone,
Here are the meeting minutes. Thanks to all of the new people who came.  To
add yourself to the e-mail list, go to lists.groogroo.com and click on CPRB.
Let me know if you have any trouble.
We decided that the next meeting would be 7 PM on March 23rd, but that's the
day of the city council meeting on Tasers!  Should we move the meeting to 6
and then all go to the city council together?  Thoughts?
The meeting after that will be on April 6 (to prepare for forum).  Please
let me know if anything from the minutes is incorrect.
Also, here is a link that Steve Portnoy sent me with the ACLU's info on
Citizen Police Review.

I.  Intros 
Present - Ken, John Paul, Jen, Chris, Patrick, Martel, Joe, Steve, Sean
Chuck D is speaking 7 PM on April 9 in Foellinger Auditorium.  Fundraising
dinner to follow.
II.  Co-sponsor Update
New Co-sponsors - Visionaries Educating Youth and Adults, Champaign County
Sarah is looking into ecirmac, the geo, the office of lgbt concerns, and the
office of women's programs
Ricky is contacting NOW, CCHCC (I think?)
III.  Petitioning
- Campus Greens have ~ 400 signatures
- Should try to be more aggressive in Urbana.
IV.  Forum Planning
Location - Douglas library - probably the library and not the annex
When - A week or two after Chuck D.
Martel will call the library and look into the 13th or 20th and the costs of
the annex and renting the library space.
8-10 speakers
Possibilities (CPRB Contact in parentheses)
Liberty Ministry Temple Minister (Patrick)
Imani Bizell at Parkland (Ken)
Dave Rodige (sp?) - addressed same issues in St. Louis
Stephen Hartness - Prof. at UIUC, Center for Democracy in a Multiracial
Society (Jen)
Giraldo Rosales - Champaign City Council Member (Ken)
Someone from the Human Relations Commission?
Tracy Parsons
Catherine Hogue
Bob - person who worked on board in Danville
Call Public Television to see if they can tape it
Write press release and fax out
V.  Tasers in Champaign
- Mt. Olive Baptist Church, March 15 at 6PM
Patrick and Martel will attend.  They will need brochures with our meeting
times from Ken
Next meetings - March 23rd, April 6th
(note - Mar. 23 is the same day as the Ch. council meeting on the tasers.
Perhaps this one should be at 6?)
VI.  Winning over the councils
A.  Champaign
We may have to go with a referendum question on the November or April
Will need over 1500 signatures.  Needs to be turned in 78 days prior to
Jen will look into getting forms, writing possible question
B.  Urbana
Still working on getting a lot of signatures, co-sponsors.  Aim to try to go
to council before school gets out.
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