[CPRB] Help Get the Word Out!

John Wason jbw29 at joimail.com
Fri Feb 4 11:16:03 CST 2005

At 11:32 PM 02/03/05 -0600, jwalling at uiuc.edu wrote:

>Hey Everyone,
>If you are able to distribute fliers to your neighbors this 
>weekend, let me know!  I have copies and can get you some.  
>Also, I would like to drop fliers at 2 or 3PM on Sunday for 
>an hour or 2 for the forum.  Is anyone interested in going 
>with me?
>Just thought I'd let you know...
>These are the candidates that have told me they are coming.
>Mayor - Laurel Prussing
>Ward 1 - Charlie Smyth
>Ward 2 - Danielle Chynoweth
>Ward 4 - Brandon Bowersox
>Ward 5 - Ricky Baldwin
>Ward 7 - Durl Kruse and Lynne Barnes
>I have so far received surveys from Durl, Lynne, and Ricky 
>and am expecting surveys from the rest of those candidates as 
>I haven't heard anything yet from Tod Satterthwaite, Robert 
>Lewis, Anna Marie Scott, Casey Diana, Dennis Roberts, Louis 
>Mesker, Heather Stevenson or Shirley Hursey.
>Here's my list of what I've done so far as to publicity... 
>Please let me know if there's some opportunity that I missed.

I'm not seeing WEFT on the list below.  If someone wants to e-mail me a
concise  description of the event that can be read as a PSA, I'll be happy
to print it out and take it into WEFT.  Time is of the essence.

John W.

>So far I've posted the event in the CUcalendar for the DI, 
>the News Gazette, the IMC, and WICD's calendar.  I gave the 
>announcement to Chris Foster to play on UPTV.
>I've given fliers to people to put up in Downtown Champaign, 
>Downtown Urbana, Campustown, and most of campus.
>I've e-mailed AWARE, the Greens, and the CPRB lists.  The 
>student ACLU, Student Peace Action, PRC, and the IDF contacts 
>agreed to send it to their lists as well.
>Tomorrow I'm going to e-mail the whole list of 700 people who 
>signed our petition.  (It's more like 500 e-mails)
>Thanks, everyone!
>-Jen Walling

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