[CPRB] meeting with the Mayor

Ricky Baldwin baldwinricky at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 23 11:07:54 CDT 2005

Meeting with Urbana Mayor Laurel Prussing

Jen Walling, John Wason and Ricky Baldwin met with the
Mayor at 4:30 pm in her office.

We agreed to get the latest version of the Iowa City
ordinance to the Mayor, along with their budget if
possible and as much as we can find out about the
number of cases they handle, year by year.  John will
make the initial calls.

Jen will research what changes have occurred since we
started in 2001, e.g. how many or which cities have
initiated or cancelled a CPRB, and why.

We will also try to find out more about a possible
CPRB that Danville used to have and what happened to

Our tentative plan, arrived at in discussion with the
Mayor, is to start setting up the task force this
summer, meanwhile talk to City Council members (we
will and so will the Mayor) and Police Chief Adair,
the goal being to have people appointed to the task
force by September/October so they can finish their
work and report by the end of January 2006.

By December, the City will be looking for a new Chief
of Police, and the Mayor suggests asking applicants
how they feel about a CPRB.


After meeting with the Mayor, we discussed our next
steps.  Ricky will prepare a cover letter for the
information packet that Jen will send to all sitting
City Council members.  Then Ricky will call them to
set up appointments to meet.

Anybody else want to add something?

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