[CPRB] meeting with the Mayor

John W. jbw29 at joimail.com
Fri Jun 24 07:32:18 CDT 2005

At 11:07 AM 6/23/2005, Ricky Baldwin wrote:

>Meeting with Urbana Mayor Laurel Prussing
>Jen Walling, John Wason and Ricky Baldwin met with the
>Mayor at 4:30 pm in her office.
>We agreed to get the latest version of the Iowa City
>ordinance to the Mayor, along with their budget if
>possible and as much as we can find out about the
>number of cases they handle, year by year.  John will
>make the initial calls.
>Jen will research what changes have occurred since we
>started in 2001, e.g. how many or which cities have
>initiated or cancelled a CPRB, and why.
>We will also try to find out more about a possible
>CPRB that Danville used to have and what happened to
>Our tentative plan, arrived at in discussion with the
>Mayor, is to start setting up the task force this
>summer, meanwhile talk to City Council members (we
>will and so will the Mayor) and Police Chief Adair,
>the goal being to have people appointed to the task
>force by September/October so they can finish their
>work and report by the end of January 2006.
>By December, the City will be looking for a new Chief
>of Police, and the Mayor suggests asking applicants
>how they feel about a CPRB.
>After meeting with the Mayor, we discussed our next
>steps.  Ricky will prepare a cover letter for the
>information packet that Jen will send to all sitting
>City Council members.  Then Ricky will call them to
>set up appointments to meet.
>Anybody else want to add something?

Only that you passed your first test as CPRB mailing list co-administrator 
with flying colors, Ricky.  :-)

And that it's WONDERFUL, for a change, to have an amicable working 
relationship with the mayor of Urbana.

And that - this for the benefit of those who were at our Tuesday meeting 
but not at the meeting with Her Honor on Wednesday - I would have lost my 
bet, but that's one time I didn't mind at all being wrong.


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