John W. jbw292002 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 9 17:46:09 CST 2005

At 10:38 PM 11/8/2005, you wrote:

>It seems I spoke too soon (or emailed too soon).
>I've spoken with all the "regulars" I think, but in
>case others were planning to attend our regular
>meeting (second Wednesday of the month at 6pm)
>tomorrow, it's off.  A combination of factors,
>including the postponement of the Miami NACOLE
>Conference due to global warming -er- another
>hurricane, led to this.  There is really little to
>discuss since the last meeting (Oct. 12) that won't
>wait at this point; some of us could only attend part
>of the meeting (including, if it matters, me); etc.
>Our next meeting ought to be
>***Dec. 14 at 6pm***
>on the last day of the rescheduled Miami Conference
>(which is too bad).  By then the Urbana Mayor's task
>force on CPRB will have met twice (the next scheduled
>meeting of THAT is Jan. 10 at 7pm).

So Ricky, has the task force met once to date, or twice?  And how is that 
going?  Is the group amicable and productive, or has it degenerated into 
irreconcilable factions, or what?


>And it appears
>likely the process will begin wrapping up soon.  So I
>think we ought to meet, come hell or high water.  I'll
>come even if I'm sick.  What do you say?
>I propose a few agenda items (maybe you have more):
>1. Update on Taskforce, schedule
>2. Miami Conference (as much as we know)
>3. Media
>4. "Today Urbana, tomorrow the world" - Champaign, University, etc.
>Call me if you want to talk before that - 328-3037.
>Take it easy,

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