[CPRB] public square commentary

Ricky Baldwin baldwinricky at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 16 10:46:19 CDT 2006

Hi folks-

Just to show you how little skill is required, and so
you don't have to listen to it to know that it
happened, here's a copy of the commentary I recorded
last week for WILL's Public Square.

It doesn't have any new info - just the standard line
we've been singing.  But I really think we should be
using every outlet available to us to get out the
message on this.  When it the City Council decides to
vote on it, it may happen quickly.

More letters to the editor!


WILL Commentary
Citizen police review boards

Recently the City of Urbana – that is, Urbana
taxpayers – shelled out $100,000 to settle a lawsuit
involving an Urbana police officer accused of rape. 
It was part of a larger settlement mostly paid by the
City’s insurance.  The officer had admitted having sex
while on duty and resigned.  No charges were filed
despite the precedent of charges filed in other cases
with less evidence, but not against police officers. 
Allegedly, there had also been more than incident in
the past involving the same officer harassing women
while on duty.

Local proponents of civilian oversight of the police
are pointing out that, not only is this precisely the
kind of case in which a citizen police review board
would have been helpful – an earlier finding, or more,
against the officer could have nipped the problem in
the bud – but the amount of money the City paid in
this single case would have been enough to pay for a
review board for 20 years.

In fact, in over 100 other cities with civilian
oversight boards in place, most have found it not only
cheaper, but also more than worthwhile in terms of
improved police-community relations.

So, while Urbana is obviously not immune to the
problem of police misconduct seen in other places, the
best reason for establishing independent civilian
oversight is proactive.  

It just makes sense.  Even folks who have never had a
problem with the police have spoken up in favor of the
basic democratic principle of oversight.  At present,
complaints against the Urbana police are investigated
by the Urbana Police Department alone.  But as more
than one Urbana resident recently put it, “This is the
fox in charge of the henhouse.”  It just isn’t
objective enough.  And when it comes to government,
the light of day is almost always healthy.

It is time for a citizen police review board in
Urbana.  It’s what Urbana residents want; it’s
cheaper; it’s better; and we need it.

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