[CPRB] public square commentary

Esther Patt epatt at uiuc.edu
Wed Aug 16 11:31:53 CDT 2006

An excellent job, Ricky.   Thanks for doing this.
Esther Patt

---- Original message ----
>Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 08:46:19 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Ricky Baldwin <baldwinricky at yahoo.com>  
>Subject: [CPRB] public square commentary  
>To: coalition policereview <cprb at lists.chambana.net>
>Hi folks-
>Just to show you how little skill is required, and so
>you don't have to listen to it to know that it
>happened, here's a copy of the commentary I recorded
>last week for WILL's Public Square.
>It doesn't have any new info - just the standard line
>we've been singing.  But I really think we should be
>using every outlet available to us to get out the
>message on this.  When it the City Council decides to
>vote on it, it may happen quickly.
>More letters to the editor!
>WILL Commentary
>Citizen police review boards
>Recently the City of Urbana – that is, Urbana
>taxpayers – shelled out $100,000 to settle a lawsuit
>involving an Urbana police officer accused of rape. 
>It was part of a larger settlement mostly paid by the
>City’s insurance.  The officer had admitted having sex
>while on duty and resigned.  No charges were filed
>despite the precedent of charges filed in other cases
>with less evidence, but not against police officers. 
>Allegedly, there had also been more than incident in
>the past involving the same officer harassing women
>while on duty.
>Local proponents of civilian oversight of the police
>are pointing out that, not only is this precisely the
>kind of case in which a citizen police review board
>would have been helpful – an earlier finding, or more,
>against the officer could have nipped the problem in
>the bud – but the amount of money the City paid in
>this single case would have been enough to pay for a
>review board for 20 years.
>In fact, in over 100 other cities with civilian
>oversight boards in place, most have found it not only
>cheaper, but also more than worthwhile in terms of
>improved police-community relations.
>So, while Urbana is obviously not immune to the
>problem of police misconduct seen in other places, the
>best reason for establishing independent civilian
>oversight is proactive.  
>It just makes sense.  Even folks who have never had a
>problem with the police have spoken up in favor of the
>basic democratic principle of oversight.  At present,
>complaints against the Urbana police are investigated
>by the Urbana Police Department alone.  But as more
>than one Urbana resident recently put it, “This is the
>fox in charge of the henhouse.”  It just isn’t
>objective enough.  And when it comes to government,
>the light of day is almost always healthy.
>It is time for a citizen police review board in
>Urbana.  It’s what Urbana residents want; it’s
>cheaper; it’s better; and we need it.
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