[CUWiN-Dev] making the visualization less "jiggly"

David Young dyoung at pobox.com
Sun Aug 21 18:38:17 CDT 2005

My friend Dave Healy and I came up with three recommendations for making
the route visualization less "jiggly" in a brainstorming session:

        1 Set the natural length of springs according to each neighbor's
          minimum ETX over a very long period of time.  It is
          reasonable to expect that the minimum ETX is stable, since
          it is (very) roughly proportional to S/N, which is (very)
          roughly proportional to distance in the rooftop environment.
          We know this much for certain: rooftop nodes are not getting
          any closer to each other [1], so the ETX on any link ought to
          have a more-or-less stable floor.

        2 Change the natural length of the springs gradually, to avoid
          injecting energy into the system.  (I believe Bill Comisky's
          patch does that.)

        3 Find a polynomial function that relates ETX to distance.
          Use that function to set the natural length of springs based
          on ETX.  You can do this by fitting a curve to a graph of ETX
          versus distance, where the distances are known (say that the
          nodes latitude and longitude are known).


[1] Apart from Brooklyn, the universe is expanding.  QED.

David Young             OJC Technologies
dyoung at ojctech.com      Urbana, IL * (217) 278-3933

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