[CUWiN-Dev] recommended netbsd source

Quantum Scientific Info at quantum-sci.com
Fri May 13 17:53:33 CDT 2005

On Friday 13 May 2005 16:30, Bryan Cribbs wrote:
> No, the nodes run thttpd on the standard port 80. 
> You were looking at a half-way functional mockup, which 
> happens to run on 8910 on a dev box.

OK.  I'll want a non-standard port though, to help deflect script kiddies.

> I don't quite understand the caveats below.
> There's no chance PHP is going to get anywhere 
> near our images.  We are striving to make the 
> system *smaller*.  ANSI C and /bin/sh are our tools.
> thttpd meets our needs, though we might consider 
> another web server with a smaller footprint.

Oh, I know.  But I'm just saying that there are three portals under 
consideration: NoCatSplash, Chilispot, and WiFiDog.  And that one of them 
requires PHP5.  PHP5 in an of itself may not disqualify a candidate, as there 
are small versions, if other attributes compensate.

One of us has to get the time to define characteristics of these portals so a 
decision can be made, but I wanted to make you aware of the possibilities.  
And I wanted to make you aware that there is a need to set non-standard tools 
for nvram settings.


Carl Cook

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