[CUWiN-Dev] Re: netbsd sources for nightlies

David Young dyoung at pobox.com
Tue Sep 13 14:22:59 CDT 2005

On Thu, Sep 08, 2005 at 09:52:12AM -0500, Bill Comisky wrote:
> It is working here using pre rev3468 and src/bin/sh/trap.c:1.32.  If I 
> only bring one node up it reboots every 6 minutes or so.  With >1 node, it 
> stays up.  With one node I can manually /usr/sbin/tickle the system 
> occasionally to keep it up.
> I'm still building nightlies with the 0.5.8 NetBSD src tarball.  I feel 
> like it makes more sense to track what NetBSD src you are using to pick up 
> possible regressions like this.  Are you tracking NetBSD-current, or do 
> you have a src tree I can rsync to?

My latest sources are always in ~dyoung/radix-nbsd/src/, but beware
that those are my development sources, and they may not even compile
for minutes, hours, or days at a time.  If you decide to track my
NetBSD sources, you should track my kernel configuration files, too:

(It would be nice, for *so* many reasons, if we had NetBSD in Subversion.
Chase tried to import it once, but Subversion was not up to the task.
His PR, #2167, is still outstanding. It is labeled with "target milestone
1.3".  BTW, this year I have proposed a UIUC senior project on "Subversion


David Young             OJC Technologies
dyoung at ojctech.com      Urbana, IL * (217) 278-3933

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