[CUWiN-Dev] Default Route Disappearing on Two-Hop Node

John Atkinson john.atkinson at gmail.com
Mon Mar 27 02:10:55 CST 2006

I added a node last week which appeared to work fine.  But, after a
while, it loses its default route, and so cannot access the Internet. 
It can talk to other nodes fine though, and uses what should also be
its default route in order to get to all of the other nodes on a ping.
 The ETX is around 300.

This is a two hop node.  I use to have this problem with my one hop
nodes, but that was fixed as of rev:3790.  Part of the problem with
this new node is that it should be a one hop node, but it is
preferring to communicate with an antenna I didn't intend it to. 
Regardless, it is connected to the mesh, so it should be able to find
out about the Internet access at the Internet-connected node.  And so
far it only knows about that for a short period of time right after

In HSLS, how often does a node get updated routing metrics about a
node two hops away?  So far I haven't seen the default route come and
go.  I see it only immediately after boot.  What sort of logical
messages would cause a node to lose its default route, and why are
they being sent to this node?


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