[Dryerase] Nor'easter

Commodor Stockton newendland at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 23 17:20:12 CDT 2002

Compiled by Dave P.

The Bushes and bin Ladens: 
Men with Means
1942: Three firms with which Prescott Bush (father of
George,Sr.) is associated are seized under the Trading
with the Enemy Act. [Did business with Nazi Germany.]
1973: George Bush Sr. is named GOP national chair.
Brings into the party the Heritage Groups Council, an
organization with Nazi sympathizers. In one
“Watergate” tape, Nixon decides to centralize his
power. Says Nixon to John Erlichman: "Eliminate
everyone, except George Bush. Bush will do anything
for our cause."
1974: Bush is named special envoy to China.
1976: Jerry Ford names George Bush CIA director.
early 1980: Osama bin Laden begins providing
financial, organizational, and engineering aid for the
mujaheddin in Afghanistan, with the advice and support
of the Saudi royal family. [New Yorker, 11/5/01]
Jan 1981: Ronald Reagan inaugurated President with
George Bush, Sr. as V-P. US embassy hostage crises in
Iran ends days before w/ release of hostages.
1988: A few days before the supposedly surprise arrest
of five BCCI officials (international bank caught in
“biggest banking scandal in history” involving drug
lords, arms dealers, intelligence agencies, and many,
many various governments’ officials), some of the
world's most powerful drug dealers quietly withdraw
millions of dollars from the bank. Some govt.
investigators believe the dealers were tipped off by
sources within the Reagan administration.[Boston
Herald, 12/11/01]
1988: Bin Laden forms al-Qaeda this year (some
versions claim 1989). [Forbes, 10/18/01]
Jan 1989: Bush, Sr. inaugurated. Later in year, he
claims executive privilege to avoid testifying in the
Oliver North trial (Iran-Contra Affair), thus becoming
first president to use this power to cover acts as
vice president. Bush also signs a directive ordering
closer ties with Iraq, which opens the way for $1
billion in new aid a little more than a year before
the Gulf War.
Jan 1990: Bahrain awards exclusive offshore drilling
rights to George W. Bush’s (Jr) Harken Oil. This
despite Harken’s very shaky financial condition and
total lack of experience in international or undersea
oil drilling. Wall Street Journal states in 1991 this
"raises the question of ... an effort to cozy up to a
presidential son." Two major investors into Bush's
company during this time are Osama bin Laden's father
and Khaled bin Mahfouz. [Salon, 11/19/01, Intelligence
Newsletter, 3/2/00] Khaled bin Mahfouz is a Saudi
banker with a 20% stake in BCCI. (see 1988) George W.
sells two-thirds of his Harken Energy stock at the top
of the market for a 200% profit, but makes no report
to the SEC until March 1991. One week after Bush's
sale, Harken reports an earnings plunge and its stock
falls more than 60%.
1996: FBI investigators are prevented from carrying
out an investigation into two relatives of bin Laden
connected to the World Assembly of Muslim Youth [WAMY]
- a “suspected terrorist organization." WAMY has their
offices at 5613 Leesburg Pike. Four of the 9/11
hijackers are later listed as having lived here while
the two bin Laden brothers were there.
1996: The Saudi Arabian government starts paying huge
amounts of money to al-Qaeda, becoming its largest
financial backer. They also give money to other
extremist groups in throughout Asia.[New Yorker,
March 1996: The US pressures Sudan to do something
about bin Laden, who is based in their country. Sudan
readily agrees and soon offers to extradite bin Laden
to anywhere he might stand trial. US officials turn
down the offer.[Village Voice, 10/31/01, Washington
Post, 10/3/01]
Aug 7, 1998: Terrorists bomb the US embassies in Kenya
and Tanzania killing 224 people and injuring over
4,500. The attack is blamed on al-Qaeda. [PBS
Frontline, 2001]
April, 1999: A Saudi government audit shows that five
of Saudi Arabia's billionaires have been giving tens
of millions of dollars to al-Qaeda.[USA Today,
10/29/99, Boston Herald, 12/10/01] 
Jan 2000:  Former President George Bush, Sr. meets
with the bin Laden family and other Saudi businessmen
on the behalf of the Carlyle Group($12 billion equity
firm based in DC). [Wall Street Journal, 9/27/01,
Guardian, 10/31/01]
Oct 12, 2000: The U.S.S. Cole is bombed in the Aden,
Yemen harbor by al-Qaeda terrorists. 17 US soldiers
are killed. [ABC News, 10/13/00]
Jan 2001: George W. Bush is inaugurated President
after “election” in which he lost the popular vote.
Decision in Supreme Court pivots on Florida where
Bush’s brother Jeb was governor and evidence of
disenfranchisment of minorities surfaced. Inauguration
is accompanied by the largest number of protesters
since Nixon. Numerous figures in Bush's administration
are directly connected to the oil industry. Over 50 of
Bush's new staff are later shown to have worked for
Enron. [Salon, 11/30/01]
July: Head of FBI anti-terrorism task force, John
O’Neill, resigns over continuing obstructions of
investigations involving Saudis. He later dies at new
job in the World Trade Center (WTC).
Sept 10: US officials later admit American agents had
infiltrated al-Qaeda cells in the US, though how many
and how long they had been in al-Qaeda remains a
mystery. On this day, electronic intercepts connected
to these undercover agents hear messages such as:
"Watch the news" and "Tomorrow will be a great day for
us." Officials call these leads "needles in a
haystack." [USA Today, 6/4/02]  At least until Feb
2002, the official story was that the "CIA failed to
penetrate al-Qaeda with a single agent." [ABC News,
Sept 11: The 9/11 attack: four planes are hijacked,
two crash into the WTC, one into the Pentagon, and one
crashes into the Pennsylvania countryside. Attacks
kill 3,047 people from 62 ountries. Wall Street closes
down for trading. The FAA shuts down all flights in
the US. President Bush addresses the nation on
television citing Psalm 23 and declaring “permanent
war on terrorism.”
Sept 13: Osama bin Laden is identified as the primary
suspect by Secretary of State Colin
Powell. Members of bin Laden's family and important
Saudis are flown out of the US during the no-fly ban
leaving before they could be properly questioned.
[Tampa Tribune, 10/5/01]
Oct 27: The bin Laden family divests from the Carlyle
Group around this time, in light of public controversy
surrounding the family after the 9/11 attacks.
[Washington Post, 10/27/01]
Nov 5: A New Yorker article points to evidence that
the bin Laden family has generally not ostracized
itself from bin Laden, but retains close ties in some
cases. The large bin Laden family owns and runs a $5
billion a year global corporation that includes the
largest construction firm in the Islamic world.[New
Yorker, 11/5/01]
early Dec: Bush officials go to Saudi Arabia in a
second attempt to get the Saudi government to
cooperate with the 9/11 investigation. They have
balked at freezing assets of organizations linked to
bin Laden. Says an “expert” in Boston Herald, "If
there weren't all these other arrangements - arms
deals and oil deals and consultancies - I don't think
the US would stand for this lack of cooperation." One
Washington Post reporter claims that US companies
spent $200 billion on Saudi Arabia's defenses alone,
before 1993. [Boston Herald, 12/10/01, Boston Herald,
12/11/01, Frontline, 2/16/93]
July 10: A briefing given by a RAND analyst to a top
Pentagon advisory board states, "The Saudis are active
at every level of the terror chain, from planners to
financiers, from cadre to foot-soldier, from
ideologist to cheerleader ...” The conclusion of the
briefing: "Grand strategy for the Middle East: Iraq is
the tactical pivot. Saudi Arabia the strategic pivot.
Egypt the prize." [Slate, 8/7/02]
Aug 15: More than 600 relatives of the Sept 11 attacks
file a 15-count, $1 trillion lawsuit Thursday against
various parties they accuse of financing al-Qaeda
terror network and Taliban regime. The parties sued
include the Binladin Group (the company run by Osama
bin Laden's family), seven international banks, eight
Islamic foundations and charities, individual
terrorist financiers, three Saudi princes, and the
government of Sudan. [CNN, 8/15/02] "The attorneys and
investigators were able to obtain, through French
intelligence, the translation of a secretly recorded
meeting between representatives of bin Laden and three
Saudi princes in which they sought to pay him hush
money to keep him from attacking their enterprises in
Saudi Arabia." [CNN, 8/15/02] They also accused the US
Government of failing to pursue such investigations
thoroughly enough because of lucrative oil interests.
A number of rich Saudis respond by threatening to
withdraw hundreds of billions of dollars in US
investments if the lawsuit goes forward. [Telegraph,
Sources: The Progressive Review
-www.prorev.com/bush2.htm and

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