[RAGG] needles and yarn donations--OFF TOPIC

meghan at ucimc.org meghan at ucimc.org
Fri Jun 25 21:32:52 CDT 2004

Hey y'all,

I'm wanting to teach some kids at the Center for Women in Transition to
knit (since they're always interested when I do it and they could use some
more individualized attention), but I can't exactly afford to buy them all
needles and yarn. Do people have a bit of yarn they could give up or
(especially) some needles they can donate? There are about 4 or 5 kids who
might be interested, and it would be nice if I could let them keep the
stuff they work with so they can have it as a hobby. I could buy one pair,
so if I can get 3 or 4 people to help me out, that would be great.

Please forward to anyone who might be able to help.


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