[Imc-girls] self-defense class

Elizabeth Cimsohn elizacorps at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 4 14:38:15 CST 2004

To: Champaign-Urbana Women's Community
My name is Donna Hoeflinger and I am a certified
Women's Self-Defense Instructor. I will be teaching a
six-week Women's Self-Defense class at the Urbana Park
District beginning on March 13, 2004 (details below).
The content of the class is based on empowerment
skills rather than fear tactics. I invite all
interested women to join me for this worthwhile
six-week class.  If you know of any women who might be
interested, or if you are able post it, or forward
this email, I'd appreciate you spreading the word.  If
you have any questions, feel free to email me at
DHinCU at juno.com.
Hope each of you are strong and well.
Donna Hoeflinger
NWMAF Certified Self-Defense Instructor

Women on the Horizon
Personal Safety


Women's Personal Safety and Self-Defense Class

Increase your own safety with prevention, awareness,
and intuition skills. Feel safer and stronger as you
learn practical self-defense skills such as:

-Effective physical techniques including basic targets
and strikes, in a safe and supportive space.
-Escapes from common grabs.
-Verbal self-defense skills that can be used every
-Facts about common assaults against women. Debunk
common myths.

For women of all abilities and ages 15 and up.
Although the class does involve physical skills,
stress will be placed on what you can do and how you
can adapt skills if you have limitations or special

When:   10:00am-12:00pm Saturdays, March 13-April 24
(no class April 10)

Where:  Urbana Park District , Phillips Recreation
Center, 505 W. Stoughton, Urbana

Fee:    $36

To Register (by March 10) or For More Information:    
 Contact Urbana Park District, Phillips Recreation
Center at (217) 367-1544 or www.urbanaparks.org

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