[RAGG] C-U Same-Sex Couples Will Apply for Marriage Licenses on Monday - they need you!

Danielle Chynoweth chyn at ojctech.com
Thu May 13 15:21:18 CDT 2004

Girlz & Womyn -

I really want to make sure that we aren't just an adult crowd on Monday.  
LGBT teens and their allies are invisible.  Please consider coming to this
historic event!!

On Monday, May 17, a handful of brave, same sex-couples will approach the
Champaign County Clerk's Office with their $15 to request a marriage
license - just like opposite sex couples do every day.

They need your support! Allies - LGBT and straight - need to be there to
support them taking this historic step.

If you can come, please:
1) e-mail Kimberlie at kakranich at yahoo.com

   Give your T-shirt size if you want one (they are $5 each and say things
   like "Marriage Rites for All" and "Straight Rights for Homosexuals").

2) show up on Monday, May 17 at 12 Noon (sharp) rain or shine

   Brookens Administration Bldg, 1776 E. Washington St. at Lierman Ave 
   (about 10 blocks east of Sweet Besty's) in Urbana.  Meet in the 
   northern parking lot (Washington Street is on the South side).

3) If you want, bring: flowers (for the couples), signs, friends.
   Think festive! We are there to celebrate these couples and their 
   committments to one another and to speak out if the Clerk rains on our 

Here's the Press Release.  WICD and WCIA interviewed some of the couples 
today.  Tune in tonight for the coverage.
Same-Sex Couples to Attempt to Apply For Marriage Licenses
In Champaign County, May 17

Local committed same-sex couples will attempt to apply for marriage
licenses at the County Clerk's Office Monday, May 17 at 12:15pm.  They
will be surrounded by supporters.  May 17 is the date the Supreme Court of
Massachusetts declared lesbians and gays could legally apply for marriage
licenses in that state.

The same-sex couples, with support from members of the 85% Coalition, a
grassroots direct-action group for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender
rights, will test what happens when a man and a woman who have little
familiarity with each other request an application for a marriage license,
and then what happens when a gay couple, who have been in a loving
relationship for years, follow with the same request.

This action will dramatically demonstrate that some citizens have full
rights to participate in State sanctioned marriage with all its benefits
no matter what their relationship is while others are denied those same
rights on the basis of gender and sexuality alone.

Lisa Busjahn, 85% Coalition member observed, "This day is also the
anniversary of Brown v. the Board of Education decision.  As with the
landmark case that made clear that separate education is not equal
education, we want to demonstrate that separate marriage rights accorded
to only some citizens are not equal rights."

The denial of the right of same-sex couples to marry in Illinois has
ramifications that affect inheritance, family medical leave, and other
privileges provided to heterosexuals. The Illinois legislature is
considering a constitutional amendment to entrench the ban on same-sex
marriage and forbid recognition of domestic partnerships and civil unions.

"Our May 17th action honors the victory for gay marriage in Massachusetts
and also brings attention to marriage discrimination within our own
community and state," said Kimberlie Kranich, 85% Coalition Co-founder.

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