[Imc-outreach] outreach meeting notes:

faith swords faith at ucimc.org
Wed Aug 18 18:58:28 CDT 2004

present: ellen, jane, meghan, zoe, faith, arun, cyrus, sascha, susan

sweetcorn festival
young women's club
phone bank

SWEETCORN: jane called to ask if we had both days and "if we paid for
friday, we probably have friday". we did pay for friday, but it was
limited space and we weren't guaranteed. we're pretty sure we'll have it.

who can staff? RFU wanted to. jane will email all working groups to
recruit staffers.

we need a sign. we need the "portable IMC outreach kit". we need it by
next week. everyone is going to look for large pieces of cardboard.
cyrus will paint the sign if we can get him materials. what should it say?
"urbana-champaign IMC and the website". also in the kit, flyers, stickers,
buttons. meghan and cyrus can make some stickers for sweetcorn, just to
start. ellen will bring a tub to next week's meeting which will become the
"outreach kit". possibly with hanging folders, possibly without. susan can
bring rubber bands, in lieu of the hanging folders. (brief conversation
about rubber bands in general.) membership forms, stickers, buttons,
brochures, any working group paraphenelia, public i. jane will contact
working groups about their parapheneilia. also ask if they have the actual
files for the flyers/papers/whatever, so that we have a general

cyrus: sign and stickers
jane: emails
ellen: tubs
fiath: cardboards

YOUNG WOMEN'S CLUB: they want an tour on monday at 2:30. jane and meghan
will give the tour. jane will respond to their email and let them know
that that time works for us.

MEMBERSHIP HANDBOOK: needs to be editted. both for content and typos.
ellen was going to make an appeal to get more volunteers to edit the
handbook. ellen was also thinking of making a digest-sized version, to
save paper. everyone likes that idea. ellen will work on this.

ellen: send file to meghan
meghan: edit file
all: meeting sunday at 5:30 to make additional copies

COPIER: the copier guy is coming tomorrow. he will call ellen, and they
will meet at the IMC. it'll probably be around $360. we will then deal
with all contracts and co-users, as well as a general usage policy after
the copier is fixed. ellen and copier guy have good rapport.

MAILING: we have stuffed the envelopes and are ready to mail out the
letters. minor mishaps. GO US! ellen will mail the letters.

PHONEBANK: faith and jane will collaborate to find phone numbers. meghan
thinks we should have food and drink to bribe people into coming.

***hey zach, didn't you at one point volunteer to write a phone script for
this? would you still be up for doing this?***


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