[Imc-outreach] new outreach mtg minutes

meghan at ucimc.org meghan at ucimc.org
Mon Jun 14 20:45:51 CDT 2004

attending: Meghan (taking notes), Cyrus, Drew, Ellen, and Jane

staffing: there is lots of interest in people staffing right now. we think
this can be within the focus of this group. Ellen mentions that we might
want to get back to the idea of "core hours" for staffing, so we can say
we are open mon-fri 4-9 or whatever, instead of weirdo hours each day.

it seems like there's a lot of wasted volunteer energy because there isn't
enough coordination of people who are interested. Ellen is interested in
putting in lots of effort to organize some more orientation type events to
get new people involved! yay!
    this might include things like: coming to each staffer and finding out
what a staff orientation might need to include (maybe every other month
or so); perhaps this group can be a volunteer coordination group? maybe
we can even have info at ucimc.org directed to the outreach list; coordinating
more group specific trainings to help people get over the initial hump of
feeling interested but not knowing how to do radio, newspaper, etc.; maybe
have a rep from each working group involved with the outreach group so
we're not perpetually saying "radio meets at this time, we're not sure
what they do, but you can email them"

training goals: basic orientation to the IMC and a staff training (Ellen
will coordinate)

getting contact person(s) for each group. who is willing to mentor new
folks in each group? we will want a name and email addy for the contacts.
these people only need to make initial contact (like so the outreach group
can direct interested folks to these people in particular). each group
should decide for itself what contact people should let new volunteers
know about the group (NOT JUST MEETING TIME!).

who will contact each WG:
print: meghan
shows: jane
video: drew
library: ellen
radio: ellen
finance: cyrus
ragg: jane
rfu: drew
tech: cyrus

orientation date: discussion about whether or not we want to live and die
by student calendar. mid-July?

Diversity: remembering that reaching out to other groups doesn't just mean
reaching out to other groups that also have predominantly white
middle-class memberships; keeping in mind whether or not our organization
and our meetings are replicating social hierarchies; Ellen has a vague
memory of card reminders given out at groups that ask questions like "are
you a white male?" "have you already spoken at this meeting?" "does
somebody else at the meeting need an opportunity to speak?"--maybe this
would be a good poster; not making media for those who don't have access
to media but inviting those to have access to our media; have this group
coordinate some more about distribution issues--making sure IMC media is
distributed in all areas, etc. (i.e., north of university ave.)

next meeting: monday, june 21, at 7 PM. there is a possibility of changing
to wednesday at 6 PM.

mistakes are OF COURSE the fault of the note-taker

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