[Imc-outreach] Outreach Meeting Minutes 10.20.04

meghan at ucimc.org meghan at ucimc.org
Wed Oct 20 19:11:01 CDT 2004

present: Jane and Meghan

idea for opening party--this party could be sort of like an IMCFest, only 
not all about raising money, just about having fun. it could be combined 
with the anniversary party. we could just book bands that have IMC members 
in them so as to maximize the integration between the shows part and the 
rest of the event (i.e., people that aren't too interested in seeing loud 
rock shows might hang out anyway if they know all the bands).

band ideas: Darrin Drda, Placenta Garden, Opportunists, Paul Kotheimer, Nu 

This should be in January as the anniversary party.
So we need: cake, other snacks, beverages, pictures of IMC events, some 
videos (the infomercial we've been talking about), speakers, maybe 
IMC radio clips between sets, membership sign-up booth

Hopefully this can happen after things are set up and pretty at the new 

We will need lots of help from other groups to pull this off.

Jane would like to update the timeline brochure. Jane will email to see if 
someone can send her the sourcefile and we will talk about how to fill it 
out next week.

Community shares
Sascha will be filling out the form since he seems to think it would be 
easy. Jane has it and will mail it.

I will send out an email announcing this to the IMC at large this week! 
Jane finished the sign-up sheet archive, and will bring a binder for the 
press archive soon.

UBA Feedback
Jane told them that the packet of info was good except that the downtown 
Urbana brochure was out of date and didn't include us (and others)!

Cyrus will check out the site and see if we're on it and if it's up to 

Jane has emailed the journalism class kids who signed up for more info.

Meghan can maybe go to the GSLIS class with Ellen next Monday afternoon.

General flyering
Jane will make a general flyer about the IMC with working group meeting 
times, what the IMC is. Meghan (and perhaps others?) will go around town 
and flyer a bit, to make up for not having an orientation. We can alos 
invite folks to come to the Outreach meeting for more info.

Outreach outreach/happy hour
Much discussion about the idea of having a happy hour at a local bar to 
encourage other IMCstas to talk with us about outreach. Maybe at 5 on 
Wednesday before an outreach meeting. Maybe November 10.

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