[Imc-outreach] Outreach minutes 9/8/04

ellen K radicallibrarian at gmail.com
Thu Sep 9 00:03:58 CDT 2004

Outreach Meeting 9/8/04
Attending: Ellen (note taker), Meghan (facilitator), Jane, Cyrus

1. Volunteer Fair.
Jane and Ellen will staff the table at the UofI Volunteer Fair
tomorrow (9/9) from 10-2 in the Illini Union. Jane took the outreach
tub and the parking pass. They will meet at the Illini Union at
9:30am. Ellen made a flyer with working group discriptions and meeting
times. She will bring these and a sign.

2. Orientation
No working groups have responded to Ellen's email about coming to the
second half of orientation. She will send out emails again to harass
them. [Note if your are from another working group and are reading
these minutes, this is really a good opportunity for you to meet new
people and get them interested in your group. No one can represent
your group quite as good as you!. -end Note]  We talked about having
tables for the working group open house part of the orientation, but
couldn't think of a workable solution for this. We will bring some
snacks. Jane- chips and salsa, Cyrus- hummus and bread, Ellen-

Promotion for Orientation: Cyrus emailed the papers, Arun took in the
PSA to WEFT, Meghan and Jane have been flyering; they've hit Parkland,
and many of the agencies and shelters, they still need to do campus
(Cyrus and Meghan to do) and Downtown Urbana (Jane to do). Meghan and
Jane are refining the flyering route! Ellen put up the razorwire on
the website. Meghan will post a story about the orientation to the
website and Ellen will put a link  to it in the razorwire.

3. Steering Meeting
Cyrus is unable to attend the emergency steering meeting. No one else
at the meeting is able to be the back up spoke because a) they're
already a spoke, and/or b) can't be there either. Cyrus will send an
email to the imc list, with the main concern that the membership (at
the membership meeting) actually be able to make a decision, and not
just be the rubber stamp of a decision already made.

4. Membership meeting
Speaking of the membership meeting, it is a month away and no one
mentioned it at the last steering meeting. Outreach is willing to help
with making sure this meeting happens. Ellen will send an email to the
imc list about this.

5. Visioning
We talked about out reach activities we would like to do. Staffing is
still a big concern and a way that outreach happens. Ellen will talk
to Molly about being a staff coordinator again. Cyrus thought it would
be a good idea to have a public online calendar that showed staff
shifts. We all agreed that it would be a good idea. Cyrus will talk
with Zach. We talked about making connections with other groups and
arranging tours and miniorientations for groups that can't make it to
an scheduled orientation. We all we comfortable with making this kind
of effort with groups. We've already had a good experience doing this
with the Young Women's Club. We also talked about going to talk to
groups, not just having them come here, and creating something like
outreach talking points that anyone could pick up if they were going
to talk to a group.  Now we need to keep these ideas in mind and work
to making them happen, along with coming up with more!

Respectfully Submitted,

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