[Imc-outreach] Community Shares Meeting

Susan Kim skimtone at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 21 10:19:31 CDT 2005

Here's a report on the Community Shares Meeting.

1. Access to new sites
Community Shares would like to get set up with more private companies.  It was decided that the best strategy was to find people in your organization who work at or have connections to a company and have them broker a meeting of some kind with the relevant decision-maker there.
Are there folks in our membership who work somewhere besides the University who would be willing to do a Community Shares pitch?
(Getting Community Shares hooked up with new employers scores you BIG points.  And additionally give us access to new donors)
2. Fall 2005 Campaign
Community Shares does it's big campaign in the Fall over 2-3 months.  They encourage all member organizations to do a ton of PR amongst their membership and their donors.  The feeling is that being a member of CS does not necessarily bring you lots of new donors but when your  members and donors can give money through payroll deduction it's _very_ likely that they will give more than they would otherwise.
The key is to put together a big effort to tell the people who know and love the IMC 
that they can give money through Community Shares and that it's painless and convenient.
3. Newsletter
Community Shares of Illinois puts out a newsletter 1 or 2 times a year with updates and photos from member organizations.  
I need a 50 word update on the great things the IMC has done over the last 6 monhts and a photo.  We need to send it on by 4/29.  
(This is an update not a description of what we're about.  Descriptions will not get printed)
As a new member it's really important that we do this.  The exposure will be invaluable.

ellen K <radicallibrarian at gmail.com> wrote:
Outreach: 4-20-05
Jane (Facilitating), Colleen, Sascha, Ellen (notetaking), Paul

1. Orientation
Orientation is this Saturday 3-5pm
Snacks: Colleen will pickup soda and cookies. At IMC by 11am Saturday.
Groups needing reps: Radio, Print, Shows, Finance, Video
Lynsee will be there for RFU
Jay for Books to Prisoners
Jane for Outreach

2. Meeting Time? Sticking with Wednesday for time being

3. Community Shares: Need to turn in our point sheet. Sascha will fax
the point sheet.

4. Market at the Square: Table cost $5 a Saturday. Starts May 14th. We
need to know if there are volunteers who could staff 7-noon. Jane will
send an email asking for volunteers.

5. Y Auction: Meghan when is this? Did it happen already? Do we need
to do something for it?
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IMC at lists.ucimc.org

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