[Imc-supervisors] Fwd: Disability Inclusion Mini-Grant - Round 2

carol ammons carolammons at gmail.com
Thu Jun 3 20:10:27 CDT 2010

Good evening,

I am forwarding this email to you to encourage programs to consider applying
for this mini-grant.  BTP working group was successful in getting funding
which allowed them to purchase much needed books, and produce a insert to
include in their pamphlet about the program.  If anyone is interested in
starting a discussion about how this mini-grant can be used by your project,
please let me know.  We can start a strategy session.


Carol A.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: LISA HOOKER <LISA.HOOKER at illinois.gov>
Date: Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 11:55 AM
Subject: Disability Inclusion Mini-Grant - Round 2
To: Barth Landor <blandor at ahschicago.org>, Terri Cusick <
tcusick at ahschicago.org>, Andrew Tonachel <ATonachel at alternativesyouth.org>,
Judy Gall <jgall at alternativesyouth.org>, mindy buecking <
mwbuecking at alternativesyouth.org>, Dorothy Miaso <lvaill at aol.com>, Dorothy
Miaso <LVIVOCAL at aol.com>, Sue Tucker <ngclub1 at aol.com>, Laura Couchman <
lcouchman at ausl-chicago.org>, Debbie Davis <DDavis at bbbs-mv.org>, Jay Justin <
jjustin at bbbs-mv.org>, Jo Winegar <jwinegar at bbbs-mv.org>, Joy Heldebrandt <
jheldebrandt at bgccil.org>, Linda Dillon <ldillon at bgccil.org>, Mary Davenport
<mdavenport at bgccil.org>, Matt Blakey <unitdirector at bgccil.org>, Francisco
Ramos <framos at caaaelii.org>, Nada Touma <ntouma at caaaelii.org>,
JSiebert at chail.org, Melissa Riddle <MRiddle at chail.org>,
aaugustin at cityyear.org, Amanda Resch <AResch at cityyear.org>, Jewan Garner <
jgarner at cityyear.org>, lmorrisonbutler at cityyear.org, Marie Glorieux <
MGlorieux at cityyear.org>, Duy Ngo <duyknows at comcast.net>, Katherine Sosa <
KSosa1 at cps.k12.il.us>, Shane Caterino <SCaterino at cps.k12.il.us>,
Brenda.Stefanowski at ctreepartners.com, Melissa Frazin <mfrazin at depaul.edu>,
Katherine Maehr <krmaehr at gcfd.org>, Rebecca Fortuna <rfortuna at gcfd.org>,
Carol Ammons <carolammons at gmail.com>, Jennifer Jones <jonesjen682 at gmail.com>,
donna newman <donnaenew at hotmail.com>, Donna Newman <forumchicago at hotmail.com>,
Joanna Brown <joannabrown47 at hotmail.com>, Valarie Huggins <
valariehuggins at hotmail.com>, Gina Jacaway <gjacaway at ipha.com>, Jim Nelson <
jnelson at ipha.com>, Kristen Ball <KBall at ipha.com>, Karen Domerski <
Karen.Domerski at jstart.org>, Karina Kelly <karina.kelly at jstart.org>, Van
Luong <van.luong at jstart.org>, Aundrea Young <ayoung at lessiebatesdavis.org>,
Christopher Coleman <ccoleman at lessiebatesdavis.org>, Nancy Aardema <
naardema at lsna.net>, Ofelia Sanchez <osanchez at lsna.net>, Jane Otte <
Jane.Otte at lssi.org>, Bret Bjorkman <Bbjorkman at mc708.org>, Elizabeth Bean <
ebean at mc708.org>, Esther Lindstrom <elindstrom at nush.org>, Edison Urena <
eurena at nush.org>, Yasmin Rodriguez <yrodriguez at nush.org>, Andrea McGlynn <
amcglynn at pccwellness.org>, Lucy Flores <lflores at pccwellness.org>, Sonia
Taylor <staylor at pccwellness.org>, Jenise Terrell <jeniset at publicallies.org>,
Steve Sullivan <steves at publicallies.org>, Tim Hosch <timh at publicallies.org>,
Wendy Smith <smithw at rlc.edu>, Dave Warner <warner at rlc.edu>, Marlin Bryant <
mbryant455 at sbcglobal.net>, Phillip Bryant <phillipbradley at sbcglobal.net>,
Amanda Marshal <Amanda at schulerfoundation.org>, Candace Browdy <
Candace at schulerfoundation.org>, Donald Baden <dbaden at siue.edu>, Bobbie
Alexander <balexander at springfieldul.org>, Lily Jasper <
ljasper at springfieldul.org>, Mary Bennett <mbennett at springfieldul.org>,
Santita Nunn <santita.nunn at springfieldul.org>, Toni Currie <
tcurrie at springfieldul.org>, Sabrina Earl <earls at svcc.edu>, Jodi Elmendorf <
elmendj at svcc.edu>, Amanda Guinn <Amanda.Guinn at swic.edu>, Margaret Bruns <
Margaret.Bruns at swic.edu>, Nicole Pion <nicole at ucimc.org>, Jason Turner <
treasurer at ucimc.org>, Maureen Meehan <mmeehan at uic.edu>, Ruby Camacho <
rcamac1 at uic.edu>, BecerraG at usa.redcross.org, Jackie Dempsey <
DempseyJ at usa.redcross.org>, Lisa Hunter <hunterlisa at usa.redcross.org>, Erica
Wilkinson <WilkinsonE at usa.redcross.org>, Misti Faust <
financemgr at westsuburbanpads.org>, Lynda Schueler <
Lschueler at westsuburbanpads.org>, Sherri Hackett <
shackett at westsuburbanpads.org>, Carrie R Skees <CR-Skees at wiu.edu>,
k-mauldin-curtis at wiu.edu, Shannon Sutton <sm-sutton at wiu.edu>, Chris Coleman
<ccoleman_americorps at yahoo.com>
Cc: Scott McFarland <Scott.McFarland at illinois.gov>

 Good morning,

The Commission is happy to announce that we are able to release a second
round a Disability Inclusion Mini-Grant funds.  Each program may apply for
up tp $1,000 to promote Disability Inclusion.  More detailed information can
be found in the RFP attachment.  The proposals are due to Scott McFarland no
later than Friday, June 18.  Funds will have to be spent no later than July
31.  If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact Lois
Barnhart (barnhartl at kreiderservices.org) or Scott (
scott.mcfarland at illinois.gov).

Thank you.

Lisa Hooker, AmeriCorps Program Officer
Serve Illinois Commission
Illinois Department of Human Services
815 E. Monroe
Springfield, IL  62702
217/558-7126 - office
217/557-0515 - fax
217/299-0943 - cell
lisa.hooker at illinois.gov
visit us on the web at:

Carol Ammons-Program Director
202 S. Broadway Avenue
Urbana, IL 61802
217-344-8820 (office)

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